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Calibrating at the bench with a deadweight tester

A deadweight tester is a proven method of pressure calibration that is usually chosen for bench applications when accuracy and reliability are the top requirements. Calibrations are performed at the bench for convenience and to maintain reference conditions.


Hand pumps and pressure test gauges for field pressure testing

It's important to select the proper pump and gauge to match the testing application at hand—a good guideline is the testing device should be 4-10 times more accurate than the device being tested.


Manual approach to pressure switch testing


Calibrating a HART Smart Pressure Transmitter

Verifying and documenting the performance and adjusting a HART smart pressure transmitter can require a bucket full of tools. Performing this task with a HART enabled calibrator like the Fluke 754 simplifies the task and reduces what you need to carry.






Breaking new ground without breaking the loop

Early reports from the field suggest that the new Fluke 772 and 773 Milliamp Process Clamp Meters may be game changers, breaking new ground for technicians in the HVAC controls industry. With the feature sets these meters offer, troubleshooting of the most common problems in modern control systems becomes a snap.


How calibration improves optimization

Learn which calibration tools are best for improving optimization and quality in process manufacturing plants including chemical processing, nuclear power, pharmaceutical, pulp and paper.


Troubleshooting 4 to 20 mA Process Control Systems without Breaking the Loop

Troubleshooting 4 to 20 mA (milliamp) process control systems without breaking the loop using Fluke 773 Milliamp Process Clamp Meter



Calibrating pressure transmitters and switches in potentially explosive atmospheres

Pressure calibration can be challenging in the best of environments. Working in an area that has the potential for explosion takes the degree of difficulty to another level—one where the technician needs proper training and equipment.


How to perform a pressure leak test using the Fluke 729 Automatic Pressure Calibrator


How to connect a Fluke 729 Automatic Pressure Calibrator to a HART Transmitter


How to Calibrate a Pressure Switch Using the Fluke 729 Automatic Pressure Calibrator


How to calibrate a HART Pressure Transmitter from a downloaded task with the Fluke 729


How to overcome pressure leaks during calibration by using the Fluke 729 Automatic Pressure Calibrator


健康のための測定 | 2021 年世界計量記念日



How to calibrate a temperature sensor in the field

Pairing a Fluke dry well with a handheld documenting calibrator allows for a complete field temperature sensor calibration solution.


How to keep control valve positioners on target

Learn how to avoid calibration drift on control valve positioners as part of your preventive maintenance program.


Calibrating at the bench with a pressure comparator

A pressure comparator is a convenient instrument for bench pressure calibration. Bench calibrations are performed to maintain reference conditions and to obtain the lowest possible uncertainties. The bench is also a convenient place to inspect, adjust, and repair the devices under test.


Calibrating at the bench with a deadweight tester

A deadweight tester is a proven method of pressure calibration that is usually chosen for bench applications when accuracy and reliability are the top requirements. Calibrations are performed at the bench for convenience and to maintain reference conditions.


Manual approach to pressure switch testing


Hand pumps and pressure test gauges for field pressure testing

It's important to select the proper pump and gauge to match the testing application at hand—a good guideline is the testing device should be 4-10 times more accurate than the device being tested.


Calibrating a HART Smart Pressure Transmitter

Verifying and documenting the performance and adjusting a HART smart pressure transmitter can require a bucket full of tools. Performing this task with a HART enabled calibrator like the Fluke 754 simplifies the task and reduces what you need to carry.


How to Perform a Pressure Calibration Using the Fluke 729


Verifying analog and digital pressure gauges

How to perform a verification test on analog vs digital pressure gauges. Both analog and digital process gauges need to be verified to detect errors related to drift, environment, electrical supply, addition of components to the output loop, and other process changes


Gas custody transfer flow computer calibration

Gas custody transfer flow computers that calculate flow in pipelines by measuring the differential pressure across a flow restriction, such as an orifice plate or other differential pressure flow device, require special calibration to perform at optimum accuracy.


Documenting approach to pressure switch testing


How calibration improves optimization

Learn which calibration tools are best for improving optimization and quality in process manufacturing plants including chemical processing, nuclear power, pharmaceutical, pulp and paper.


Best accessories to set up a pressure calibration


Reduce instrument maintenance costs by 40% or more with route-based work flows


Why does this year have an extra second?

On December 31, 2016, metrologists around the world—especially those living under Greenwich Mean Time (GMT)— will add a single second to their New Year's Eve countdown.


Why IR accuracy and traceability are critical

Whether you're building automobiles or electronic components, processing food, maintaining electrical systems, or making plastic, temperature inspection using infrared (IR) cameras and spot thermometers is becoming one of the quickest, safest ways to accurately inspect electrical, electronic, mechanical, HVAC, and process control systems.





Glossary of Pressure Calibration Terms

Glossary of Pressure Calibration Terms


Case study: Yuenglings toolbox

What's in your toolbox? Yuengling Tampa Brewery


Case study: Yuengling Brews Up a Winning Maintenance Approach

The Yuengling maintenance team keeps the vintage facility brewing and bottling up to a million barrels of beer yearly. It takes a very lean operation to win against mega-brewers many times Yuengling's size.


NIF Brings Star Power to Earth

You could call this a factory, but you've never seen a plant like this before. The "manufacturing" process here relies on "shots" of laser energy focused on a target the size of a BB. The product: a nuclear reaction six times hotter than the core of the sun . . . and a growing understanding of fusion reactions that could one day free the planet from dependence on dwindling fossil fuels. "


4-20 mA applications by FlukePlus members

Fluke customers share their tool-tips for the 4-20 mA.


Guide to signal conditioning

Learn signal conditioning basics, types of signal conditioning and how they ensure signal measurement accuracy.


Assessing control valves and their performance

When assessing control valves and their performance, you need to understand the different types of valves and what they can be tested for.