A40B-CAL/N | 2 シャント直列接続測定用小電流アダプター(N - N)

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製品概要: A40B-CAL/N | 2 シャント直列接続測定用小電流アダプター(N - N)

The low current adapter is used to calibrate shunts at currents levels of 2 A or less. It connects together the current source and two shunts for calibration measurements. This adapter mates with N-type connectors to the shunts and a dual banana connection to the source. In this configuration, a certified or reference shunt is connected in series with a shunt that is being calibrated, which in turn are in series with a current source.

仕様: A40B-CAL/N | 2 シャント直列接続測定用小電流アダプター(N - N)

モデル: A40B-CAL/N | 2 シャント直列接続測定用小電流アダプター(N - N)


2 シャント直列接続測定用小電流アダプター(N - N)

マニュアルおよびリソース: A40B-CAL/N | 2 シャント直列接続測定用小電流アダプター(N - N)