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Found 105 results containing the words:product
  • Fluke ii905 Acoustic Imager

    Mendeteksi, menemukan, memvisualisasikan, dan menilai kebocoran pada sistem udara, gas, dan vakum bertekanan.

  • Fluke ii500 Acoustic Imager

    Mendeteksi, menemukan, dan memvisualisasikan kebocoran pada sistem udara , gas, dan vakum bertekanan.

  • Fluke 700HPPK/700HPM Recall

    Dear Customer, Thank you for registering your product(s) as part of our product safety recall of your Fluke 700HPPK/700HPM. We will soon be sending you a cable replacement to correct your Recalled Cable(s). A Fluke representative may contact you shortly if more information is needed. Please accept our most sincere apologies for any inconvenience caused by this action and should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. https://www.fluke.com/en-us/support/technical-support

  • 1586A Firmware

    1586A Firmware (.zip) TITLE USE WITH 1586A 1.06.01 Firmware 1586A TITLE 1586A Firmware Firmware update V 1.06.01 (2021 June) made the following changes: Changed connection timeout from 100 mSec to 1 Sec to correct connection timeout errors on low latency connections. Changed default scan count from 1 (single shot) to 0 (Infinite), by default instrument will now scan continuously until user stops it. Corrects an issue with user defined Alarm and Timestamp configuration getting...

  • Fluke Thermal Imaging: The Key to Meeting NFPA 70B Standard

    The NFPA changed its recommended practice for electrical equipment maintenance to a standard. This means that proper maintenance is now required to keep electrical systems safe and reliable for workers. The purpose of NFPA 70B is to safeguard persons, property, and processes from risks associated with electrical equipment malfunction or failure. Maintenance is crucial for achieving this goal. Fluke Ti480 PRO Infrared Camera is one of many Fluke thermal imagers available to help technicians comply...

  • Conveyor system maintenance efficiency with the Fluke ii910 Precision Acoustic Imager with MecQ™

    Conveyor maintenance must be efficient to avoid expensive, unplanned downtime. This is particularly important in industries like food and beverage production, logistics warehousing, automotive manufacturing, mining, and raw material handling. The Fluke ii910 Precision Acoustic Imager with MecQ™ Mode provides a modern solution. It can detect potential problems in conveyor systems before they worsen. This allows maintenance teams to take proactive steps and maximize system performance. Fluke MecQ™...

  • Top 10 solar installation and maintenance tools

    Solar power is one of the world’s fastest growing sources of energy. The industry and those who support it through services and related hardware and software are improving and innovating at a rapid pace.

  • Fluke 1773, 1775 and 1777 Power Quality Analyzers Software and Firmware

    Fluke Energy Analyze PlusFluke Energy Analyze Plus application software for download, analysis and reporting. Used with Fluke 1730, 1732, 1734, 1736, 1738, 1742, 1746, 1748, 1773, 1775 and 1777.Fluke 177x v3.1 Firmware File (.bin)To update instruments running firmware revision 2.0 or earlier, create a directory titled ‘Fluke177x’ on a USB stick and copy the firmware binary to that directory location.The USB stick must be exFAT or FAT32 formatted, and the above-mentioned directory must be located...

  • Koper C37XT Berbahan Keras untuk Pelindung Peralatan dari Fluke

    Koper busa EVA yang tahan lama dan pemisah untuk membawa berbagai multimeter

  • Koper C11XT Berbahan Keras untuk Pelindung Peralatan dari Fluke

    Koper busa EVA yang tahan lama dengan beberapa kantong untuk memasukkan multimeter berukuran kecil dan aksesori dengan aman

  • Cara aman membuka diskonektor non-load break dalam sistem fotovoltaik

    Pelajari tentang persyaratan diskonektor non-load break fotovoltaik tenaga surya yang dirancang agar tidak memutus arus.

  • Fluke 190 Series III ScopeMeter® Test Tools

    Alat Uji ScopeMeter menggabungkan portabilitas yang tangguh dengan performa tinggi osiloskop bench.

  • Fluke 1770 Series Three-Phase Power Quality Analyzer

    Eliminate the complexities of three-phase power quality logging, troubleshooting, and analysis.

  • Memperingati Hari Engineering Dunia 2021

    Hari Engineering Dunia diperingati setiap tanggal 4 Maret setiap tahun. Peringatan internasional tahunan ini dicanangkan untuk mengangkat prestasi para teknisi. Merekalah yang memberikan kontribusi krusial terhadap budaya kita, mulai dari penemuan roda hingga rover penjelajah Mars. Itulah sebabnya Hari Engineering Dunia dicanangkan bukan hanya untuk memperingati kontribusi dunia engineering terhadap inovasi dan pengetahuan teknologi dalam kehidupan modern, melainkan juga untuk memperkenalkan pekerjaan...

  • Case study: How to increase efficiency and savings with compressed air system leak testing in food manufacturing

    Compressed air is the food and beverage industry’s “fourth utility” after the big three of water, electricity, and natural gas. The reliability of this fourth utility depends on predictable air pressure, which means even small leaks can come at a high price. Here’s a look at air leaks commonly found in the food and beverage industry, along with best practices and technologies to address them. The Fluke ii900 Industrial Acoustic Imager includes technology that adds a visual component to traditional...

  • Dari Pendeteksi Kebocoran Ultrasonik hingga Pencitraan Akustik untuk Mendeteksi Kebocoran Udara

    Beralih dari pendeteksi kebocoran ultrasonik ke deteksi kebocoran udara visual dengan ii900 Sonic Industrial Imager dapat mengoptimalkan ROI dan memaksimalkan kapasitas.

  • Cara menggunakan perangkat lunak Fluke Connect™ dengan clamp meter FieldSense™ Fluke 377 FC dan Fluke 378 FC

    Perangkat lunak Fluke Connect pada clamp meter 378 FC dan 377 FC memungkinkan Anda merekam, menganalisis, dan membagikan hasil dengan orang lain. Data tren untuk pemeliharaan preventif.

  • Cara menggunakan indikator kualitas daya pada clamp meter 378 FC

    Mendeteksi masalah dasar kualitas daya 3 fase dengan Fluke 378 FC clamp meter untuk ahli listrik industri. Meningkatkan produktivitas dan keselamatan tanpa kabel uji.

  • Case study: 14 ways hidden air leaks wreak havoc on equipment

    How the ii900 Acoustic Imager air leak detector can help you find the root cause of equipment issues and prevent costly downtime.

  • Fluke ii900-Series Software and Firmware Upgrade

    To ensure your ii900-Series Acoustic Imager includes all the available features, make sure you have the latest version of operating firmware installed in. In order to get notifications of future upgrades and updates, please register your Fluke ii900-Series Imager here: Fluke Product Registration Use Fluke Connect Desktop to automate firmware updates: download Fluke Connect Desktop Alternatively, instructions to upgrade the Fluke ii900-Series using a SWU file: Download the latest Fluke-ii900-Series...

  • Fluke ISO Accreditation Certificates and QMS Documents

    At Fluke, our commitment to quality is the foundation of our success. We are dedicated to delivering products and services that meet or exceed the highest quality standards in the industry, as defined by ISO requirements, customer expectations, and our own corporate values. Our practices reflect our commitment to customer satisfaction, continuous improvement, and the pursuit of excellence across our operations worldwide.Fluke Corporate Quality Manuals and PoliciesQuality ManualsFluke Corporate Quality...

  • Fluke 289 IMSK Industrial Multimeter Service Kit

    Fluke 289/ i400 AC Current Clamp Combo Kit adalah kit layanan servis multimeter industri. Gabungan alat tersebut membantu menyelesaikan masalah rumit di bidang elektronik, otomatisasi pabrik, distribusi daya, serta peralatan elektro-mekanik.

  • Starter kit Fluke 117 Multimeter Teknisi Listrik plus starter kit insulated hand tools

    Dapatkan Fluke 117 Multimeter Teknisi Listrik terlaris dengan starter kit insulated hand tools dari 8 alat. Dilengkapi dengan 5 insulated screwdrivers dan 3 insulated pliers. Garansi seumur hidup.

  • Fluke 87V Industrial Multimeter plus insulated hand tools starter kit

    Tetap aman dengan starter kit insulated hand tools + Fluke 87V Industrial Multimeter terlaris. Dilengkapi dengan 5 insulated screwdrivers dan 3 insulated pliers. Garansi seumur hidup.

  • Starter kit Fluke T6-1000 Electrical Tester plus insulated hand tools

    Dapatkan Fluke T6-1000 Electrical Tester terlaris dengan starter kit insulated hand tools dari 8 alat. Mencakup 5 insulated screwdrivers and 3 insulated pliers. Garansi seumur hidup.

  • Ransel alat Fluke Pack30 + starter kit insulated hand tools

    Pilih ransel alat teknisi listrik Fluke Pack30 + starter kit insulated tools. Dilengkapi dengan 5 insulated screwdrivers dan 3 insulated pliers Garansi seumur hidup

  • Starter kit Fluke insulated hand tools

    Starter kit Fluke insulated tools mencakup 8 hand tools yang penting untuk teknisi listrik manapun. Set ini berisi 3 insulated screwdrivers, 2 Phillips screwdrivers plus 3 insulated pliers.

  • Fluke insulated pliers kit

    Sedang mencari set tang listrik terbaik? Pilih set Fluke 1000 V insulated pliers yang mencakup needle nose pliers, heavy duty diagonal cutters, and linesman combination pliers.

  • Fluke insulated screwdriver kit

    Sedang mencari screwdrivers teknisi listrik terbaik? Pilih set Fluke 1000 V insulated screwdriver. Tujuh electrical screwdriver dengan presisi yang pas dan pegangan pengikat yang benar untuk menerapkan torsi maksimum tanpa kerusakan pada kepala.

  • Pemotong Diagonal Fluke Terisolasi

    Pilih pemotong diagonal terisolasi Fluke 1000 volt untuk teknisi listrik. Tang pemotong diagonal kuat, leverage yang tinggi 8 inci untuk memotong bahan keras termasuk kawat baja dan piano.

  • Fluke insulated pump pliers

    Tetap aman dengan Fluke 1000V 10-inch insulated slip joint pliers. Mengunci sendiri pada pipa dan mur, cengkeraman yang tidak licin dan dapat disesuaikan, dan untuk tang pompa air. Cengkraman rahang yang kuat, namun beratnya 20% lebih ringan dari desain lainnya

  • Fluke insulated combination pliers

    Tetap aman dengan Fluke 1,000 V rated insulated combination pliers, linesman pliers 8 inci, side cutting pliers. Pegangan yang aman dengan rahang tajam yang memotong sisi secara agresif dan 4 titik lubang cengkeraman

  • Fluke insulated long nose pliers

    Tetap aman dan pilih Fluke insulated needle nose pliers dengan pemotong sisi dan area cengkeraman. Dengan panjang 8 inci serta tang dan pemotong berinsulasi dengan tegangan 1000V memberi Anda berbagai pilihan saat pekerjaan Anda membutuhkan cengkeraman.

  • Fluke Insulated Phillips screwdrivers

    Pilih Fluke insulated Philips head screwdrivers. Temukan insulated screwdriver terbaik untuk teknisi listrik. Keamanan diuji hingga 10.000 volt. Fit dan mencengkeram pengikat dengan benar untuk menerapkan torsi maksimum tanpa kerusakan pada kepala. Pisau baja yang dikeraskan untuk meminimalkan keausan.

  • Fluke slotted insulated screwdrivers

    Fluke insulated slotted screwdrivers dengan pegangan pengikat yang benar untuk menerapkan torsi maksimum tanpa kerusakan pada kepala. Semua tersertifikasi untuk 1000 volts AC and 1500V DC. Pisau baja yang dikeraskan untuk meminimalkan keausan.

  • Fluke square insulated screwdrivers

    Pilih Fluke square head insulated screwdrivers. Fluke Insulated screwdrivers ujung persegi cocok dan memegang pengikat dengan benar untuk menerapkan torsi maksimum tanpa kerusakan pada kepala. Semua tersertifikasi untuk 1000 volts AC and 1500V DC.

  • Safety notice and recall for the Fluke 1AC-I VoltAlert™ Voltage Tester

    .custom-tables-6021 { border-collapse: collapse; border: 1px solid #000; } .custom-tables-6021 th { border: 1px solid #000; background-color: #ccc; } .custom-tables-6021 td { border: 1px solid #000; } Dear Fluke customer: In cooperation with the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, Fluke is voluntarily recalling its Fluke 1AC-I VoltAlert™ voltage tester, a product that was first released for sale on September 29, 2009. The affected model number is listed in the table below. If you own a Fluke...

  • Lima poin pengujian utama untuk memahami efisiensi dan performa penggerak motor

    Penggerak motor adalah teknologi yang banyak digunakan untuk mengubah tegangan konstan dari catu daya listrik ac menjadi tegangan yang dapat divariasikan untuk mengontrol torsi motor dan kecepatan motor yang ideal untuk menggerakkan beban peralatan mekanis.

  • Teknisi elektronik untuk lift yang sibuk dapat menghemat waktu mereka dengan alat penganalisis penggerak motor dari Fluke yang baru

    Fluke MDA-550 Motor Drive Analyzer memiliki diagram yang jelas untuk penyiapan secara tepat, prosedur pengujian yang telah ditetapkan sebelumnya, dan petunjuk langkah demi langkah untuk menghemat waktu dan membantu dalam mempermudah pemecahan masalah pada penggerak motor lift.

  • Mengukur discharge tegangan pada poros motor dengan Fluke MDA-550 Motor Drive Analyzer

    Catatan aplikasi ini akan menjelaskan tentang cara menggunakan MDA-550 Motor Drive Analyzer dan probe tegangan poros untuk mengukur peristiwa discharge tegangan pada poros motor.

  • How to switch your infrared camera from manual to automatic

    Learn how to quickly switch from auto mode to manual mode on your Fluke Ti401, Ti300, and Ti200 infrared cameras.   The Fluke Ti300+ Thermal Camera and Ti401 PRO Thermal Camera have been discontinued. See the Fluke Ti75+ Thermal Camera or the Ti480 PRO Infrared Camera. Transcript: Auto Monitor Image Capture is another feature on the Fluke VT04 Visual IR Thermometer. To access it, hit MENU and find this icon. You hit SELECT down to enable it and the right arrow key to drop to the second level...

  • Kamera Inframerah Fluke Ti300 PRO

    Professional 240 x 180 Thermal Imager. Antarmuka pengguna paling cerdas dan paling intuitif. Sensitivitas termal yang semakin meningkat untuk menangkap perbedaan terkecil. Teknologi terbaru untuk kejernihan layar.

  • Fluke Indonesia Peta Lokasi

    200506 - pf test

  • Program Kemitraan Edukasi Fluke

    Fluke Educator Partnership Program Sign up for the Educator's Partnership Program and receive a 25% discount for products and materials and be eligible for Fluke grants!* We've teamed up with colleges, trade technical and vocational schools, and apprenticeship programs to bring the latest application information and tools into the classroom. Receive FREE materials  PowerPoint presentations Application notes and case studies CDs, DVDs & Posters Free Shipping Equip your labs and help your students...

  • Fluke RSE600 Mounted Infrared Camera

    Performa tinggi, kamera infrared 640 x 480. Sempurna untuk streaming dan menganalisis data termal, dengan plug-in untuk MATLAB® dan LabVIEW®.

  • Fluke RSE300 Mounted Infrared Camera

    Performa tinggi, kamera infrared 320 x 240. Sempurna untuk streaming dan menganalisis data termal, dengan plug-in untuk MATLAB® dan LabVIEW®.

  • 9190A-X-P Ultra-Cool Field Metrology Well

    The Fluke 9190A Ultra-Cool Field Metrology Well is the most accurate and stable, cold temperature dry-block on the market.

  • FlukeView® for ScopeMeter® Test Tools

      For use with Fluke 120B Series or 190 Series III ScopeMeter® Test Tools, and MDA-510 and MDA-550 Motor Drive Analyzers. Application software for download, analysis and reporting. This is a demo version with limited functionality. The full version can be obtained with activation key that is available as an option. 64bit OS: FlukeView-2 for ScopeMeter® Test Tools version 3.2.0 (.exe) » 32bit OS: FlukeView-2 for ScopeMeter® Test Tools version 3.2.0 (.exe) » For a list of improvements associated...

  • 25* Micron Macro Infrared Smart Lens

    Lensa Cerdas Inframerah Makro 25 Mikron dari Fluke untuk TiX560 & TiX520; cocok untuk R&D dan desain & validasi elektronik; melihat pola panas pada target yang sangat kecil.

  • Thank you for registering your Fluke product

    Thank you for purchasing a Fluke product and taking time to register it online so that we may support you better. Your registration helps us improve existing products, develop new tools and keeps you in the loop with the latest product/software updates and promotions. Free online training As an added benefit to registering your product, you can now take advantage of several free online training courses, created for you by Fluke experts. Enjoy! Be part of the conversation Join the Fluke online community...

  • Fluke privacy policy

    Privacy Statement

  • 561 HVAC Infrared & Contact Thermometer

    Termometer IR dengan kemampuan termokopel tipe K

  • Fluke 1654B Multifunction Installation Tester

    The 1654B Installation Tester builds upon the rugged reputation of the earlier 1650 Series, only it’s re-designed to meet your need for more productive test tools.

  • Fluke 1652C Multifunction Installation Tester

    The 1652C Installation Tester designed to meet your need for more productive test tools.

  • Fluke 1586A Super-DAQ Precision Temperature Scanner

    The most accurate and flexible temperature data acquisition system on the market.

  • Syarat Penggunaan Fluke

    Last Updated: Sept 27, 2013 PLEASE READ THESE TERMS OF USE CAREFULLY. BY ACCESSING OR USING OUR websites, mobile applications or other products or services, YOU AGREE TO BE BOUND BY THESE TERMS OF USE AND ALL TERMS INCORPORATED BY REFERENCE. IF YOU DO NOT AGREE TO ALL OF THESE TERMS, DO NOT USE OUR WEBSITES, MOBILE APPLICATIONS OR OTHER PRODUCTS OR SERVICES. These Terms of Use ("Terms") apply to your access to, and use of, the websites, mobile applications and other products or services (collectively,...

  • Katalog Alat Uji

    Fluke 2024 Test Tools CatalogBrowse our comprehensive catalog to see what NEW products have been added, along with your favorites. Includes information on training, safety and where you can purchase our products.View catalog (links to PDF)  Fluke CalibrationProcess Calibration Tools CatalogThis catalog contains a full range of accurate, rugged and reliable calibration solutions for field and bench applications. Sections include a wide range of multifunction, mA loop, pressure calibrators, temperature...

  • Fluke 116/323 HVAC Combo Kit - Includes Multimeter and Clamp Meter

    Combine the power of Fluke's 116 HVAC Multimeter with a Fluke 323 clamp meter for productive and effective troubleshooting.

  • Fluke 116/62 MAX+ Technician’s Combo Kit

    Combine the power of Fluke's 116 HVAC Multimeter with a Fluke 62 MAX+ infrared thermometer for productive and effective troubleshooting.

  • Fluke 715 Volt/mA Loop Calibrator

    Fluke 715 Volt/ mA Calibrator memberikan kinerja, daya tahan, dan keandalan yang luar biasa.

  • 63 Mini Infrared Thermometer Gun

    Fluke memahami suhu, dengan pengalaman dalam termometri selama lebih dari dua dekade.

  • 568 Contact & Infrared Temperature Gun

    Dengan antarmuka sederhana, menu 3 tombol pada layar (dalam 6 bahasa) termometer laser digital Fluke 568 dan 566 mempermudah bahkan pengukuran yang kompleks.

  • Fluke 1587MDT

    With the Fluke 1587, perform insulation tests, plus a wide-range of DMM tasks with confidence and ease.

  • Fluke 88V Deluxe Automotive Multimeter

    Fluke 88V memiliki fungsi pengukuran, fitur pemecahan masalah, dan akurasi yang ditingkatkan untuk mengatasi lebih banyak masalah tentang kendaraan konvensional dan hibrida.

  • Fluke TiR29 Infrared Camera

    Cara Fluke menyederhanakan pengambilan gambar dan menganalisis data langsung pada perangkat mungkin merupakan kemajuan teknologi terbesar dalam termografi.

  • Fluke 714 Thermocouple Calibrator

    Fluke 714 Thermocouple Calibrator memberikan kinerja, daya tahan, dan keandalan yang luar biasa.

  • Kamera Inframerah Fluke TiX500

    Mudah bernavigasi di objek yang sulit dijangkau dengan hanya kamera industri 320x240 IR dengan layar sentuh LCD 5,7 inci dan lensa putar 240°

  • Fluke 27 II Rugged Digital Multimeter

    Fluke 27 II/28 II Industrial Multimeters, the NEW standard for rugged.

  • Fluke 9190A Ultra-Cool Field Metrology Well

    The Fluke 9190A Ultra-Cool Field Metrology Well is the most accurate and stable, cold temperature dry-block on the market.

  • Fluke 500 Series Battery Analyzer

    Mengurangi kerumitan pengujian, penyederhanaan alur kerja, dan antarmuka pengguna yang intuitif memberikan level baru kemudahan penggunaan dalam pengujian baterai.

  • Fluke Ti450 Thermal Imager

    Fluke Ti450 Thermal Imager dengan MultiSharp™ Focus menghasilkan fokus dekat dan jauh dalam satu gambar. Tak ada lagi kekhawatiran tentang fokus; cukup bidik dan ambil gambar. Unduh panduan produk IR terbaru

  • Fluke 568 Ex Intrinsically Safe Infrared Thermometer

    The Fluke 568 Ex Intrinsically Safe Infrared Thermometer is the one product you can use in Class I Div 1 and Div 2 or Zone 1 and 2 hazardous environments anywhere in the world.

  • Fluke Connect® Frequently Asked Questions

    General   Q: How much does the app cost? A: The mobile app is free to download on compatible devices from the Apple App Store or Google Play. There are multiple options for purchasing subscriptions of Fluke Connect® Assets. Apple Store (iTunes) – One 12 month license subscription costs USD $249.99 Google Play – One 6 month subscription costs USD $149.99 You may also purchase both single and multiple licenses at once for your team. You can get 5-license subscriptions at USD $1,199.99...

  • Repair services

    Repair Services Simplified Getting Service Information Needed for Your RMA Shipping Equipment to Fluke Standard Price Services Product Repair Options Replacement Parts Find a Fluke Authorized Service Center Repair Services Simplified: Fluke's Customer Support Services are dedicated to providing excellent service for our products and customers. We offer repair services and replacement parts through our certified service centers worldwide. Learn about Fluke Premium Care plans to prevent unexpected...

  • Traceable Certificate of Calibration

    New Product Calibrations - Receive your new Fluke tool ready to go to work, out of the box with a traceable calibration certificate.

  • Terms and Conditions of Sale

    Terms and Conditions of Sale

  • Volt Alert FAQ

    Q. How can I determine if my VoltAlert is being recalled?   A. To properly identify your 1AC-I tester as a recalled product, look for the four product characteristics below: Q: Why is Fluke recalling this product?   A: Fluke is voluntarily recalling its Fluke 1AC-I VoltAlert® voltage tester because the voltage indicator red light can fail to illuminate, which can mislead a user to believe there is no voltage in the circuit that is being measured. This can result in serious injury...

  • Corporate Profile

    Updated CIO RT 11/3/2020

  • Fluke Replacement Parts

    Availability of replacement parts is a key element in providing quick turnaround and product support for customers who perform their own maintenance. By providing quality parts we will help return your Fluke products to peak performance. All replacement parts are warranted against defects in materials and workmanship for 90 days after shipment. Our replacement parts meet Fluke original equipment standards. Place your orders in the U.S. by calling (1-800-526-4731). Outside the US, replacement parts...

  • Fluke Companies

    Fluke Companies

  • Fluke 725 Multifunction Process Calibrator

    Calibrate both temperature and pressure transmitters

  • Fluke FoodPro Plus Thermometer Replacement Probe

    Infrared Food Thermometer - Fluke FoodPro pocket infrared thermometers provide the foodservice industry with contact and non-contact temperature measurements.

  • FoodPro Infrared Food Thermometer

    Infrared Food Thermometer - Fluke FoodPro pocket infrared thermometers provide the foodservice industry with contact and non-contact temperature measurements.

  • Fluke 820-2 LED Stroboscope

    Identifying the running speed of rotating equipment can be difficult, but the Fluke 820-2 LED Stroboscope simplifies the process allowing you to perform stop motion diagnostics without actually stopping, or making contact, with the machine you are working on.

  • Fluke VT04 visual IR thermometer electrical combo kit

    The VT04 Visual IR Thermometer Maintenance Kit includes the VT04 and 1507 Insulation Resistance Tester – two products that are ideal for troubleshooting and preventive maintenance.

  • Fluke T5-1000 Tester Kit

    Fluke T5-1000 voltage tester kit have compact designs & they can automatically measures ac/dc volts. Request a product demo today.

  • Fluke TL224 SureGrip™ Insulated Test Leads

    Straight and right angle in one extender to reach more test points.

  • Fluke 80i-110s AC/DC Current Clamp

    The 80I-110s is compatible with any Fluke ScopeMeter Test Tool, Power Harmonics Analyzer, Oscilloscope, Multimeter, or other voltage measurement device that has the following features: BNC input connectors or if using a meter convert the banana plugs to a BNC connector using the adapter PM9081/001.

  • Fluke AC220 SureGrip™ Alligator Clips

    SureGrip™ accessories are designed to improve steadiness in slippery hands.

  • Fluke TL75 Hard Point™ Test Lead Set

    PVC-insulated, right-angle shrouded 4 mm (0.16 in) banana plugs

  • Fluke C50 Meter Case

    Carry your 11X series digital multimeter on your belt

  • Fluke FVF-SC2 FlukeView Forms Software with Cable

    FVF-SC2 FlukeView Forms Software with cable for Fluke 180 Series.

  • Smart Infrared 4x Telephoto Lens

    Lensa Cerdas Inframerah Telefoto 4x dari Fluke untuk TiX580, TiX501, Ti480 PRO, Ti401 PRO; cocok untuk petrokimia, prasarana listrik, dan pengolahan logam.

  • Fluke BC1735/EELV Power Adapter Recall

    Fluke is voluntarily recalling certain BC1735/EELV Power Adapters which are used with the Fluke 1735 Power Logger. Fluke has determined that in some cases the housing fastening points of the BC1735/EELV Power Adapters shipped between 04/01/2014 and 06/24/2014 may be loose, which may lead to separation of the housing. This risk could result in electrical shock which may cause serious injury.

  • Fluke 28 II Ex Digital Multimeter Recall

    Fluke is voluntarily recalling certain 28 II Ex Intrinsically Safe True-rms Digital Multimeters that were manufactured between July 1, 2012 and November 30, 2012.

  • ROI on industrial energy efficiency cost savings

    ROI for industrial energy efficiency programs. How manufacturing plants can identify energy waste, save on utilities, and industrial energy costs.

  • FlukeView® for ScopeMeter® Test Tools Updates and Demo Software Download

    Upgrade to FlukeView version 5.4 (.exe)   Application software for download, analysis and reporting. Used with Fluke 190 Series II, Fluke 120 Series, Fluke 19xB/C Series and Fluke 2x5C Series. This is a demo version with limited functionality. The full version can be obtained with activation key that is available as an option. Release notes: Relative to the previous version the following changes have been implemented: Support for increased amount of memory locations in newer Fluke-104 and Fluke-204...

  • Fluke 75X Version 1.13 Firmware Upgrade

    Applies only to Firmware Version 1.10 and 1.11 To upgrade your 75X to the latest firmware, follow these simple instructions: Download Fluke?75X Version 1.13 firmware upgrade and save the firmware upgrade file. Ensure your Fluke 75x is connected to your Windows PC computer via USB cable and using the battery charger for power. Run the file and follow the instructions for doing the update. Do not turn off the PC or the 75x while the update is in progress. Once the update is complete, cycle the 75x...

  • Fluke 75X Version 1.03 Firmware Upgrade

    Applies only to Firmware Version 1.00, 1.01 and 1.02 To upgrade your 75X to the latest firmware, follow these simple instructions: Download Fluke?75X Version 1.03 firmware upgrade and save the firmware upgrade file. Ensure your Fluke 75x is connected to your Windows PC computer via USB cable and using the battery charger for power. Run the file and follow the instructions for doing the update. Do not turn off the PC or the 75x while the update is in progress. Once the update is complete, cycle the...

  • Fluke 985 Airborne Particle Counter Firmware Update

    New Firmware update for the Fluke 985 Airborne Particle Counter A new free firmware update (version V2.05); released in August 2014 for the Fluke 985 Airborne Particle Counter is now available. This firmware update provides a performance upgrade to a memory issue which could result in random resets/reboot. This notice explains how to obtain the free firmware update and explains steps on how to conduct the update. How to obtain the free firmware update Download the update file (FWUpdate.bin) to a...
