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  • Rotameter Calibration

    Fluke experts show you how to calibrate a pressure rotameter including a step-by-step rotameter calibration procedure, calibration curve, and tips.

  • Non-linear curve fitting using GNU plot

    In metrology, what do you do when your curve-fitting software program doesn’t work because you’re dealing with a non-linear equation? Learn here.

  • Mars Science Laboratory

    You can bet there is a lot of test and measurement equipment onboard Curiosity. As a test and measurement professional, I’d like to tell you about some of the things I find especially interesting.

  • Seeing what can't be seen in a triple point of argon system

    The triple point of argon (83.8058 K ) is one of the most commonly used fixed points for the calibration of standard platinum resistance thermometers (SPRTs) at temperatures below 273.16 K. It’s a defining fixed point of the International Temperature Scale of 1990 (ITS-90). Fluke Calibration recently designed a new Triple Point of argon system with the goal in mind of achieving both efficiency and accuracy in calibrating SPRTs.

  • MET/CAL® Plus 8.0 Tutorial Resource Center

    This page contains links to resources to help you learn more about using MET/CAL Plus Calibration Management Software Version 8.0, especially if you have downloaded the trial version of the software.

  • A new look at a triumph of engineering and ingenuity from 1968

    Lunar reconnaissance is not possible without the precise testing and measurement activity that calibration professionals know so well. Read more here.

  • Lab calibration equipment: tips for service without the headache

    Learn how to improve your experience when arranging repair or calibration services for Fluke lab calibration equipment and other instruments.

  • Another NCSLI conference is in the books

    Another NCSLI conference is in the books. This year, the metrology faithful (and budget funded!) once again gathered to gain knowledge through tutorials and technical presentations, contribute to the industry through attendance of committee meetings, talk to vendors at the exhibition, network with some of the world’s experts in metrology and spend time with old friends. There were so many great things happening that I didn’t even have time to compose a single tweet!

  • The Reference Multimeter and Ratio Measurements

     On this page, you will find links to WebEx and PowerPoint downloads and other information related to the seminars on using reference multimeters for precision measurements.ResourcesApplication NotesMaximizing Your Reference Multimeter, Minimizing Measurement UncertaintiesMigrating from dc voltage dividers to modern reference multimetersCharacterizing & Disciplining Electrical Calibrator Intrumentation to Improve Test Accuracies & Measurement UncertaintiesPrecision in Practice: Achieving the Best...

  • Despite changes to the SI, don't throw away your fixed points

    Have recent changes to the SI got you wondering what you need to change? See our recommendations including one to keep those fixed-point cells for a while.

  • Fluke Calibration’s Jordan Crepps keeps driving forward

    Read how one person got into a calibration & metrology career the non-traditional way, what he does, how he helps customers, and why he loves his job.

  • Using MET/CAL™ procedures with 5560A, 5550A, and 5540A Multi-Product Calibrators

    To ensure safety and correct performance, existing procedures must be converted to the new FSCs. No device mapping between existing 55xx series calibrator FSCs (5502E/A, 5520, 5522A) and the new 5540A, 5550A, and 5560A hardware will be available.

  • Tips to navigate Fluke Calibration support

    Get the quickest answers and fixes when calibration software errors pop up.

  • Ensuring accurate temperature measurements with validated SPRT probes

    Ensure accuracy with SPRT probe and temperature probe calibration. Learn how to validate these precise temperature measurement devices for various industries.

  • Electrical Load Limitations of Transconductance Amplifiers

    The transconductance amplifier (TA) is a widely used, stable, and accurate source of electrical current. TA’s are commonly used for testing and calibration of current sensors such as shunts, current transformers (CT’s), and Rogowski coils. The TA is also used in basic research applications requiring accurate and stable source of current.

  • 4 questions to ask when selecting calibration asset management software

    When buying calibration asset management software, it's wise to consider 1) workload, 2) reporting, 3) recall information you'll need access to, and 4) the...

  • Forward with Fluke Calibration: Robert Haines’ Voyage of Discovery

    Learn about Robert Haines, Technology Development Manager at Fluke Calibration, voyage of discovery throughout his calibration career.

  • Three Expert Tips for Automating Your Lab with Calibration Automation Software

    Get tips for automating your lab with calibration automation software. Get more done more accurately with less experienced staff who learn as they go.

  • Tempmeko 2019 Temperature Metrology Conference – Fluke Calibration’s Overview of the Conference

    Temperature metrology experts from Fluke Calibration attended Tempmeko 2019 and provide an overview of the top 5 topics covered there, including some photos.

  • Eliminating sensor errors in temperature control loop calibrations

    Follow the steps as we demonstrate how to link a documenting process calibrator to a drywell to calibrate a 4-20 mA transmitter and probe in a system.

  • Yes, you can write that technical paper

    Writer’s block isn’t limited to metrologists, of course – it’s a universal problem that people in many professions face (even writers). Here are a few simple tips that can help you on your way to greater visibility and respect in your career.

  • Three keys to bringing pressure calibration in house

    If you outsource pressure calibration, you may benefit by bringing it in house. Read 3 things to consider when bringing pressure calibration in-house.

  • What matters in custody transfer: 5 ways to ensure precise measurements

    See 5 ways to ensure precise measurements in oil & gas custody transfer & see how one calibrator can calibrate the involved pressure & temperature transmitters.

  • Buying the right temperature calibration bath for your laboratory

    Learn the questions you should ask before you buy a temperature calibration bath. Learn the 4 key specifications that should be customized for your application.

  • Links to Metrology and Calibration Sites

    If you're interested in metrology, here are some other sites you may want to know aboutStandards BodiesAmerican Society of Testing & Materials (ASTM)International Bureau for Weights and Measures (BIPM)International Organization for Standardization (ISO)National Institute of Standards & Technology (NIST)AccreditationAmerican Association for Laboratory Accreditation (A2LA)International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation (ILAC)Asia Pacific Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation (APLAC)European...

  • Opportunities to learn about calibration and metrology

    calibration education, metrology education, web seminars, software user groups, application notes, learn about calibration, learn about metrology

  • Why Use an Annealing Furnace?

    The International Temperature Scale of 1990 (ITS-90) expanded the range of the Standard Platinum Resistance Thermometer (SPRT). This expansion presented new challenges to the thermometer industry. Among these challenges are the care and maintenance of the SPRT and the High Temperature Standard Platinum Resistance Thermometer (HTSPRT). With correct care and maintenance, an SPRT can provide years of accurate, stable measurements. Without proper care and maintenance, an SPRT can be damaged beyond repair...

  • Why buy Primary Standards from Fluke Calibration?

    Fluke Calibration’s fixed-point cells benefit from more than 20 years of experience in research, design, and manufacturing. Four types of cells are available: traditional size cells, “mini” quartz cells, new “mini” metal-cased cells, and small stainless steel “X” cells

  • Installing MET/TEMP II FAQs

    MET/TEMP II is intended to replace Fluke's MET/TEMP software. MET/TEMP II is a completely different software package than MET/TEMP

  • Why is Calibration Important?

    Table of ContentsWhy is calibration important?The importance of calibration in the futureDifferent perspectives on the significance of calibrationThe benefits and purpose of calibrationWhat are the costs and risks of not calibrating?Summary / TL;DRWhy is calibration important?Calibration is important because it helps ensure accurate measurements, and accurate measurements are foundational to the quality, safety and innovation of most products and services we use and rely on every day.Few people realize...

  • World Metrology Day 2013 Message from Fluke Chief Corporate Metrologist Jeff Gust

    World Metrology Day 2013A message from Fluke Chief Corporate Metrologist Jeff GustScientists and engineers dedicated to metrology (the science of measurements) celebrate May 20 as World Metrology Day. On May 20 1875, representatives from seventeen nations signed an international treaty to coordinate weights and measures activities internationally and to support the development of the metric system. The theme for World Metrology Day 2013 is “Measurements in daily life.” In keeping with this year’s...

  • PPC4 Cockpit Free Utility

    PPC4 Cockpit Free Utility - 32bit Installer (.exe)Additional Downloads:PPC4 Cockpit Free Utility - 64bit Installer (.exe)TITLEVERUSE WITHDOCUMENTSPPC4™ CockpitFree Utility2.002010.03.02PPC4TITLEVERUSE WITHDOCUMENTSPPC4™ CockpitFree Utility2.002010.03.02PPC4Reference the PPC4 Operation and Maintenance manual for details on the operation of the PPC4 Cockpit.Instructions:Download and run the file. The installation program will prompt you through the process.DescriptionThe PPC4 Cockpit is a free...

  • 5681, 5683, and 5684 Quartz-Sheath SPRTs

    SPRT from Fluke Calibration are highly stable, have low drift rates, and can be used over a wide range of temperature. Request a product quote today.

  • molbox1 v5.41 Embedded Software

    molbox1 v5.41 Embedded Software (.bin)TITLEVERUSE WITHmolbox1™5.412016.12.16molbox1TITLEVERUSE WITHmolbox1™5.412016.12.16molbox1Instructions:Download the file.Run Winflash and select the file downloaded as the file to write to the product.Make sure the correct COM port of the product is connected to a RS232 port on the host PC. Use a null modem cable to COM2 port of PG7000 Piston Gauge. Use a standard RS232 cable to COM1 port of PPC, PPC, RPM and molbox.The updating of embedded software should...

  • COMPASS for molbox PC Based Software Download/Upgrade

    COMPASS for molbox PC Based Software Demo (.exe)COMPASS for molbox PC Based Software Upgrade (.exe)TITLEVERUSE WITHCOMPASS®for molbox™4.062010.10.28TITLEVERUSE WITHCOMPASS®for molbox™4.062010.10.28molbox1, molbox1+, molbox RFMDescriptionThis download file provides 100 hours of fully functioning use of COMPASS for molbox. Licensed users can download this file to upgrade from a previous version of COMPASS for molbox.  SummaryCOMPASS for molbox is a complete flow calibration software package...

  • COMPASS for Flow PC Based Software Download/Upgrade

    COMPASS for Flow PC Based Software (.exe)Additional Downloads:COMPASS for Flow, PC Based Software, Demo (.exe)COMPASS for Flow, PC Based Software, Upgrade (.exe)Patch to use COMPASS for Flow 4.0 with MET/TRACK 7.3 SP1 (.zip)Patch to use COMPASS for Flow 4.0 with MET/TRACK 8.X (.zip)TITLEVERUSE WITHDOCUMENTSCOMPASS®for Flow™5.1.0molbox1, molbox1+, molbox1+S, molbox RFM, MFC-CB, MFC SwitchboxCOMPASS for Flow uses an on line HTML help system that is installed with the program. Install and run COMPASS...

  • 1560 Black Stack Thermometer Readout

    Fluke Calibration’s Black Stack thermometer readout is one of the most versatile, cost-effective & accurate readouts in the world. Learn more.

  • 5730A High Performance Multifunction Calibrator

    The Fluke Calibration 5730A High Performance Multifunction Calibrator is the culmination of years of engineering development, customer research and industrial design, to bring to market the new “gold standard” in electrical multifunction calibration.

  • Temperature and pressure, nuclear fusion calibration at the National Ignition Facility

    The “manufacturing” process here relies on “shots” of laser energy focused on a target the size of a BB.The product: a nuclear reaction six times hotter than the core of the sun . . . and a growing understanding of fusion reactions that could one day free the planet from dependence on dwindling fossil fuels.Here at the National Ignition Facility (NIF) at California’s Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, scientists are working to create nuclear fusion reactions that unleash more energy...

  • Testing temperature uniformity on a flat-plate infrared calibrator

    There are a few instruments used to perform infrared (IR) thermometer and IR imager calibration. These instruments fall into two categories, cavities and flat-plates. To calculate the uncertainty in using these instruments, the temperature uniformity must be known. This is especially true with flat-plates. This uncertainty may be given in an instrument’s specification. However, there is not a standardized test method to test the uniformity of a flat-plate calibrator as there is with other classes...

  • How to find and repair ground faults in solar PV systems

    Ground faults can be a frequent and persistent issue for any size solar installation or PV array. They can impact system health and reduce productivity. Learn what they are, how to find them, and how to repair them efficiently.

  • Fluke Thermal Imaging: The Key to Meeting NFPA 70B Standard

    The NFPA changed its recommended practice for electrical equipment maintenance to a standard. This means that proper maintenance is now required to keep electrical systems safe and reliable for workers. The purpose of NFPA 70B is to safeguard persons, property, and processes from risks associated with electrical equipment malfunction or failure. Maintenance is crucial for achieving this goal. Fluke Ti480 PRO Infrared Camera is one of many Fluke thermal imagers available to help technicians comply...

  • Download the Fluke iSee™ Mobile Thermal Camera APP

    Thank you for using the Fluke iSee™ Mobile Thermal Camera APP - TC01A/TC01B. With the Fluke iSee™ APP for mobile phone, you can measure temperature, capture infrared images and shoot infrared videos, as well as: Measure temperature without contact Capture, edit and share infrared images Shoot and share infrared videos Customize color palettes Analyze the temperature for a spot, line and area Temperature alarms Auto time-lapse photography Add a spot, line, and area for temperature analysis...

  • How Acoustic Imaging Cameras Perform Leak Rate Quantification

    Learn how acoustic imaging cameras detect leaks, leak source factors and properties, leak type classification and leak rate quantification.

  • Fluke 744 Documenting Process Calibrator-HART

    The 744 does the work of several tools - sourcing, simulating and measuring pressure, temperature, and electrical signals in one rugged, hand-held device.

  • Fluke SmartView R&D Thermal Imaging Software

    Thermal imaging software to analyze data and create reports from data your thermal camera.

  • DC injection the new source of trouble

    Grid connected photovoltaic systems are growing in importance as sustainable energy sources. The DC power of the solar panels is converted into an AC power by inverters. These are transformerless and, besides generating AC current, also inject a small DC Current. Excessive DC current injection into an AC network can cause problems like transformer saturation, however, which will cause additional losses and reduce transformer lifetime. For measuring these DC components, we need a Power Quality Analyzer...

  • Korean Consent to the Collection and Use of the Personal Information

    .top{ line-height:1.4; font-size: 1.1em } Fluke Korea Co., Ltd. collects and uses your personal information as below. Information to be Collected Product/Service Information Requests Required Items: First Name, Last Name, Company, E-mail address, Telephone Number, Country and Postal Code Product Registration Required Items: Purchased Product, Serial Number, Purchase Date, Salutation, First Name, Last Name, E-mail address, Telephone Number, Product Owned By, Company, Street Address, City,...

  • 9 Things You’ll Love About the Fluke T6-1000 PRO Electrical Tester

    Why choose the Fluke T6 Electrical tester? Read 9 things to love about the first electrical tester that performs AC current, AC voltage and frequency up to 1000 V AC without test leads.

  • Case study: How a power facility reduced 40% of calibration time

    Many facilities, such as power plants or production facilities, depend on a strong preventive maintenance program. These programs are essential to keep processes running safely and efficiently.

  • How to read a waveform on an oscilloscope

    Oscilloscopes sample signals as they change over time and then plot those signals on a display. The amplitude of the signal is plotted on the vertical axis and time is displayed on the horizontal.

  • Want to be more proactive? Add route-based vibration to your technician’s toolkit

    .super-custom html { font-family: sans-serif; -ms-text-size-adjust: 100%; -webkit-text-size-adjust: 100%; } .super-custom body { margin: 0; } .super-custom article, .super-custom aside, .super-custom details, .super-custom figcaption, .super-custom figure, .super-custom footer, .super-custom header, .super-custom hgroup, .super-custom main, .super-custom menu, .super-custom nav, .super-custom section, .super-custom summary { display: block; } .super-custom audio, .super-custom canvas, .super-custom...

  • What is the difference between single-phase and three-phase power?

    Learn the difference between single-phase and 3-phase power supplies, including uses and configurations.

  • Getting real with the Industrial Internet of Things

    The Industrial Internet of Things (IIOT)-the concept of interconnected applications, equipment, and technology- is more than just an abstraction.

  • Leading facility solutions firm upgrades popular instrument with Fluke Connect model

    MacDonald-Miller standardized on the Fluke 902 Clamp Meter when it came out several years ago.

  • Adventurer uses thermal imager to measure lava temperatures inside the caldera

    Adventurer Nik Halik used Fluke Ti450 and TiX560 Infrared Cameras to measure temperatures of the Marum Volcano's roiling lava - from inside the caldera.

  • 61 Mini Handheld Infrared Thermometer

    Fluke 61 mini IR thermometer gives accurate readings over temperatures ranging from -40 °C to 760 °C with the enhanced optics for measurements in hard-to-reach and dangerous situations.

  • 63 Mini Infrared Thermometer Gun

    Fluke 63 mini IR thermometer gives accurate readings over temperatures ranging from -40 °C to 760 °C with the enhanced optics for measurements in hard-to-reach and dangerous situations.

  • Fluke TiR27 Infrared Camera

    When You Need to See the Smallest Visual and Thermal Details from Short or Long Distance

  • Fluke TiR105 Infrared Camera

    Fluke TiR105 is a rugged and easy to use, point -and -shoot Infrared Camera designed for building diagnostic applications.

  • Fluke Education Partnership Program

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  • Fluke Connect® Frequently Asked Questions

    General   Q: How much does the app cost? A: The mobile app is free to download on compatible devices from the Apple App Store or Google Play. There are multiple options for purchasing subscriptions of Fluke Connect® Assets. Apple Store (iTunes) – One 12 month license subscription costs USD $249.99 Google Play – One 6 month subscription costs USD $149.99 You may also purchase both single and multiple licenses at once for your team. You can get 5-license subscriptions at USD $1,199.99...

  • Intern Frequently Asked Questions

    Q: What type of interns do you hire?   A: We look for electrical, software, mechanical and industrial engineers. We also have opportunities available for business students in accounting, marketing and operations management disciplines. Q: What can I expect from my internship?   A: You can expect to accept a challenging opportunity that will stretch you to your limits. We design our internship opportunities to be technically challenging and rewarding. You will be working closely...

  • Fluke Companies

    Comark Comark is a leading international manufacturer of high quality, precision thermometers, pressure and humidity meters, data loggers and wireless monitoring solutions for almost every industry and application.The company has a quality management system which is compliant with ISO9001:2000 and entered into a partnership with BioCote® in 2004 to add antimicrobial protection to selected instruments and probes.Sales for the USA, Canada, Mexico, the Carribean and all of Latin America are handled...

  • Fluke 820-2 LED Stroboscope

    Identifying the running speed of rotating equipment can be difficult, but the Fluke 820-2 LED Stroboscope simplifies the process allowing you to perform stop motion diagnostics without actually stopping, or making contact, with the machine you are working on.

  • Fluke T5-600 Electrical Tester

    Check voltage, continuity, and current with one rugged tool.

  • Fluke 750SW DPCTrack2 Calibration Management Software

    Download test procedures, upload results from the tool

  • Fluke SmartView® IR Analysis Reporting Software and Mobile App

    This powerful software provides a suite of tools that views, optimizes, annotates, and analyzes IR thermal images and videos. It also generates fully customizable and professional-looking reports with the push of a button or in a few easy steps.

  • Fluke 120B Series Industrial ScopeMeter handheld Oscilloscopes

    The Fluke ScopeMeter® 120B Series is a rugged oscilloscope for industrial electrical and electro-mechanical equipment troubleshooting and maintenance.

  • Software reveals power of data to more maintenance managers

    CNX 3000 wireless test tool field trial by electrical contractor AECI in industrial facilities: trouble call applications

  • Troubleshooting with the Fluke 116 Multimeter

    Read success stories from ONSITE PC Assitance owner Robert Johns. Working on mostly low voltage equipment for home offices and small-to-medium business, Johns uses the Fluke 116 to measure for low voltage, auto-ranging and min/max temperature.

  • Case study: Fluke DMMs in Antarctica

    Astronomers from the University of New South Wales (UNSW) in Australia have been working in Antarctica's interior since 1996. In collaboration with astronomers from France, Italy and the United States, they're seeking the perfect location for the next generation of deep-space telescopes.

  • Moving from reactive to predictive maintenance

    Fluke News Plus Predictive Maintenance Archive Articles

  • Four methods to conduct earth ground testing

    Earth ground testing increases the reliability of equipment performance and reduces safety risk. Why testing is needed, what's a good ground, testing methods.

  • How to measure output voltage from a VFD to a motor

    How to measure output voltage from a VFD to a motor

  • Identifying and solving common motor and drive problems

    Troubleshooting motor and drive problems such as single-phasing (losing one of the phase voltages) and flashover currents to outer bearings.

  • Reassessing airport tower lightning protection systems

    Reassessing airport tower lightning protection systems with checklist for ensuring reliable lightning protection, with aid of ground resistance

  • Have you ever wondered about the efficiency of your fireplace?

    Beyond the basics: Have you ever wondered about the efficiency of your fireplace?

  • Measuring linear distances

    Measuring linear distances

  • Coming home

    Today's Fluke Corporation is a sophisticated, diversified company with an international reputation. How did this big-time company, with down-home values, come to be located in small-town Everett, Washington? It's all about coming home…

  • Evaluating harmonics using a Fluke ScopeMeter 123 and FlukeView ScopeMeter Software

    Evaluating harmonics that cause overheating and waveform flat-topping in transformers, switchgear, and wiring; using Fluke ScopeMeter® 123 and FlukeView®.

  • A behind-the-scenes look at product innovation at Fluke

    Fluke News Plus Research Archive Articles

  • How to choose the best insulation resistance tester

    Examine six areas when deciding on the best insulation resistance tester for the application. Consider the equipment to be tested, test voltage requirements, the testing environment, other possible uses, the experience level.

  • Curb Explosive Potential with Intrinsically Safe Tools

    Curb explosive potential with intrinsically safe tools. For those who work in industries where flammable materials are present—such as petrochemical and pharmaceutical plants, oil platforms, refineries, pipelines, and mining—the potential for an explosion is a daily reality. All it takes is a flammable material coming into contact with air and an ignition source.

  • Considering cogeneration?

    Cogeneration - also known as combined heat and power or CHP - is the process of generating electricity and usable heat at the same time. The term has a modern, "green energy" ring to it, but cogeneration has been around since Edison's Pearl Street Station used heat from its turbines to warm the buildings of lower Manhattan in the 1880s.

  • Find industrial energy waste

    With energy savings, there's intent and then there's plan. Industrial facilities in the United States show a sustained interest in energy management. That's the intent: Reduce overall energy usage or sustain usage but increase the amount produced per kW used.In manufacturing, a plan will only stick if it has both the wisdom of experience guiding the vision and the ROI numbers to back up the effort. But in energy, there just isn't the body of research out there for an industrial plant manager to use to set baselines for what "reasonable" energy usage looks like in a manufacturing facility.

  • Fluke developing smart grid technology

    You may have read about the new Smart Grid currently in development by various manufacturers, utilities and government agencies worldwide. At the highest level, the idea behind the Smart Grid is to add far more "intelligent" devices to the transmission of high voltage across a large power grid such as the continental U.S.

  • How to calculate the payback of test tools

    Now that budgets and staff are smaller, it's not uncommon for management to ask for justification before authorizing tool purchases. The key phrase here is return on investment (ROI), or how long will it take to save enough money, using the tool, to cover the cost of purchasing the tool.

  • Using a single-phase VFD to run three-phase fans

    Kiln-drying wood is a 24/7 process. That is why Zena Forest Products mill owner Ben Deumling was so anxious to ensure that the new dry kiln he was setting up was as energy-efficient as possible. Deumling started with a 24-foot kiln built from a repurposed refrigerated shipping container, and installed a set of three ¼-horsepower single-phase fans to move the warm air over the wood.

  • Tools for testing electronic circuits

    Since its introduction nearly 40 years ago, the 555 timer IC and its companion 556 dual timer have inspired hobbyists, technicians, inventors, engineers, and many others who love to experiment with electronic circuits. An Internet search on "555 timer" yields millions of hits. Using "555 timer projects" as the search phrase yields more than 800,000 hits.

  • Fundamental IAQ/HVAC measurements with the Fluke 975 AirMeter™

    The 975 gathers ten fundamental IAQ parameters: Temperature, Humidity, Dew Point Temperature, Web Bulb Temperature, Carbon Dioxide, Carbon Monoxide, Air Velocity, Air Volume, and Percentage of Outdoor Air (calculated from temperature or CO2). This application note reviews those parameters and the associated functions on the 975. For more detailed information, see other app notes from the Fluke HVAC/IAQ library.

  • ABCs of Portable Oscilloscopes: Part 5, Capturing intermittent and random events with a portable oscilloscope

    This final installment of the five-part series about using portable oscilloscopes covers how to "capture" waveforms that do not occur in a repeating and predictable way. You can view Part 4 of this series, Capturing and Analyzing Waveforms with a Portable Oscilloscope. You can also view the complete webinar with audio and animations at the Fluke Training Center.

  • ABCs of Portable Oscilloscopes: Part 1, Multimeters and oscilloscopes

    Oscilloscope and multimeter fundamentals, and where each of these devices excels, are covered in part one of this five-part series adapted from The ABCs of Oscilloscopes webinar.

  • ABCs of Portable Oscilloscopes: Part 3, Triggering and isolation

    Part 3 of this five-part series describes how to trigger an oscilloscope so it displays a signal the way you want, and how the oscilloscope's inputs are isolated. You can view the preceding installment of this series, Signal Input and Processing. You can also view the complete webinar with audio and animations at the Fluke Training Center.

  • ABCs of Portable Oscilloscopes: Part 4, Capturing and analyzing waveforms

    Part 4 of this five-part series describes capturing and analyzing waveforms with a portable oscilloscope, answering that key question, "How do I know if a waveform is good or bad?". You can view Part 3 of this series, Triggering and Isolation. You can also view the complete webinar with audio and animations at the Fluke Training Center.

  • Determining air quality impacts

    Testing and comparing air quality in two homes for ventilation system effectiveness, using a Fluke 985 Particle Counter: particulates, formaldehyde, other VOCs

  • Fluke 810 Vibration Tester Software and Firmware

    Software UpdateIMPORTANT NOTICESThe Viewer software may or may not work on all computersSometimes the Viewer software installs and works fineSometimes the customer’s software / IT group can get it workingSometimes the customer’s software / IT group can not get it workingAll of the 810 features / capabilities will function properly without the Viewer software810 Viewer software allows users to transfer data / results from 810 to the PC to view what is on the 810, backup the database, and print...

  • FlukeView® Forms Software Updates

    FlukeView Forms Basic 3.8.4 (.exe)FlukeView Forms plus Designer 3.8.4 (.exe)Fluke 975 USB Drivers (.zip)FlukeView Forms Software.Anyone with FlukeView Forms version 3.0 or later can receive a free software update by clicking the links and downloading the software from this site. Basic users would select the "Basic" link and users with the complete package would select the "plus Designer" link. If your present FlukeView Forms software is older than version 3.0 (less than 3.0) you must purchase...
