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Found 16 results containing the words:learn
  • Hvordan man sikkert åbner ubelastet ratet afbrydere i PV-systemer

    Få mere at vide om solcelle-PV krav til åbning af ubelastet afbryder, der er beregnet til ikke at afbryde strømmen.

  • Den nye Fluke ii910 Precision Acoustic Imager registrerer elektrisk udladning

    September 2020 S0908/FL Den nye Fluke ii910 Precision Acoustic Imager registrerer elektrisk udladning Teams arbejder mere sikkert og lokaliserer luft-, gas- og vakuumlækager med større følsomhed - Den nye Fluke™ ii910 Precision Acoustic Imager muliggør enestående detektering af korona og delvis udladning fra en sikker afstand på op til 120 meter. Teams kan arbejde sikkert, minimere risikoen for brand og hjælpe med at reducere strømsvigt. Fluke™ ii910 giver også større følsomhed til...

  • Sådan måles arbejdscyklus

    Sådan måles arbejdscyklus med et digitalt multimeter

  • Sådan måles AC spænding

    Trin ved måling af AC spænding med et digitalt multimeter.

  • Sådan måles frekvens

    Trin til måling af frekvens med et digitalt multimeter.

  • Sådan måles DC spænding med et digitalt multimeter

    Sådan måles DC spænding med et digitalt multimeter

  • Detektering af hotspots – hvad skal man se efter

    How to find hot spots in electrical systems using a thermal camera. Learn what to look for and understand what causes emissivity anomalies during inspections.

  • Sådan måles strøm med et tang-tilbehør

    Sådan måles strøm med et digitalt multimeter plus tang-tilbehør.

  • Reduce instrument maintenance costs by 40% or more with route-based work flows

    Using route-based maintenance, technicians are issued multiple tasks and work orders to perform—rather than completing one work order at a time. This practice reduces the time walking to and from the shop and can decrease instrument maintenance costs by 40% or more. Learn about the challenges of implementing a route-based work flow and the top five calibration test tools to improve your efficiency. Speak to a specialist

  • Fluke uddannelsespartner program

    Fluke Educator Partnership Program Sign up for the Educator's Partnership Program and receive a 25% discount for products and materials and be eligible for Fluke grants!* We've teamed up with colleges, trade technical and vocational schools, and apprenticeship programs to bring the latest application information and tools into the classroom. Receive FREE materials PowerPoint presentations Application notes and case studies CDs, DVDs & Posters Free Shipping Equip your labs and help your students...

  • Fluke Charged Ideas FAQ

    Q: What is involved in the submission process?   A: Fluke Corporation will need two forms completed in order to review your submission Agreement to the legal terms and conditions. Attached materials detailing your idea. Q: What kinds of information should I include in a submission?   A: The attachments should include any valuable information for our product planning team. By explaining how your idea works, what scenario the product is used in and how it is of value, you will help...

  • Fluke T5-600 and 62 MAX+ Electrical and HVAC Kit

    This kit helps test for overheated electrical devices using an IR thermometer and using the electrical test tools to learn more about the problem.

  • Fluke Connect® Frequently Asked Questions

    General   Q: How much does the app cost? A: The mobile app is free to download on compatible devices from the Apple App Store or Google Play. There are multiple options for purchasing subscriptions of Fluke Connect® Assets. Apple Store (iTunes) – One 12 month license subscription costs USD $249.99 Google Play – One 6 month subscription costs USD $149.99 You may also purchase both single and multiple licenses at once for your team. You can get 5-license subscriptions at USD $1,199.99...

  • Häufig gestellte Fragen zu Praktika

    Q: What type of interns do you hire?   A: We look for electrical, software, mechanical and industrial engineers. We also have opportunities available for business students in accounting, marketing and operations management disciplines. Q: What can I expect from my internship?   A: You can expect to accept a challenging opportunity that will stretch you to your limits. We design our internship opportunities to be technically challenging and rewarding. You will be working closely...

  • Fluke T5-600 Elektrisk tester

    Check voltage, continuity, and current with one rugged tool.
