5200A AC Calibrator

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Productoverzicht: 5200A AC Calibrator

The 5200A Alternating Voltage Calibrator is a precision high-performance alternating voltage source with proven reliability and exceptional stability and accuracy over a broad frequency range. It is specified over a wide 0 ºC to 50 ºC operating range for use in both laboratory and manufacturing environments. Amplitude is controlled in six ranges from 1 mV to 100 V. Resolution to 1,199,999 counts yields 20% over-range capability with 1 nanovolt steps on the 1 mV range, up to 0.1 mV steps on the 100 V range. Outputs from 100 μV to 120 V rms are provided, with up to 50 mA load current capability.

Specificaties: 5200A AC Calibrator