2470 Gas Piston Gauge / High Pressure


Belangrijkste kenmerken

  • Pressures ranges from 0.2-3000 psig
  • Accuracy to 0.0025% of reading
  • No potential oil contamination
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Productoverzicht: 2470 Gas Piston Gauge / High Pressure

The Model 2470 Gas Piston Gauge is capable of generating gauge pressures from 0.2 to 3 000 psi with an accuracy of 0.0015 % of reading to 200 psi and 0.0025 % of reading to 3 000 psi. Operating beyond the typical upper pressure limits of existing gas-operated piston gauges, the Model 2470 functions easily for this pressure range due to Fluke Calibration’s unique ability to manufacture gas-operated/ gas-lubricated piston/cylinder assemblies. Since fluid lubrication is not required, you can be assured that calibrations can be performed without the possibility of contaminating the device under test.

The Model 2470 is ideal for calibrating digital pressure indicators and controllers, transducers and any other pressure calibration or measuring device where only gauge pressures are required from 0.2 to 3 000 psig. Simple design provides an economical price for a high accuracy laboratory standard.

The Model 2470 has recently been enhanced to allow the use of three different piston/cylinder assemblies. Select one, two or all three piston/ cylinders depending on your particular pressure range requirements:

  • Low range 0.2 to 50 psi
  • Mid range 1.7 to 200 psi
  • High range 100 to 3 000 psi

The Model 2470 mass set is machined from nonmagnetic stainless steel and is provided with a trim mass set to allow increments to within the resolution of each piston/cylinder (1 PPM). A storage case is provided to contain the entire mass set and up to three piston/cylinders.

The instrument base requires minimal space and is designed with value in mind. A pressure housing containing the piston/cylinder is mounted on a circular base plate. Three levelling screws and a circular level vial provide easy adjustment of the piston axis to a vertical position.

For calibrations where gauge and absolute mode pressures are required, please refer to the Model 2465 Gas Piston Gauge which operates from 0.2 to 1 000 psi and provides an uncertainty of 0.0015 % of reading. The new Model 3990-803 Pressure Control Pack (PCP) provides an easy to use system for introducing pressure from the gas supply source to the Model 2470 and device under test. The PCP includes supply, cutoff and vent valves, a fine tune pressure adjustor and a test port reference gauge.  


Specificaties: 2470 Gas Piston Gauge / High Pressure

Model 2470
Instrument BasePressure range: 0 to 3000 psig
Includes three point levelling feet, level vial, thermometer, split column and mass adapter for compatibility with low and mid range piston/cylinders or existing 2465 piston/cylinders.
Piston/Cylinder Assemblies
Low Range
Pressure range: 0.2 to 50 psi
Pressure accuracy: 0.0015% of reading or 0.000015 psib
Material: piston is 440C stainless steel, cylinder is cemented tungsten carbide
Piston/Cylinder Assemblies
Mid Range
Pressure range: 1.7 to 200 psi
Pressure accuracy: 0.0015% of reading or 0.000075 psi
Material: piston and cylinder are cemented tungsten carbide
Piston/Cylinder Assemblies
High Range
Pressure range: 100 to 3000 psi
Pressure accuracy: 0.0025% of reading
Material: piston and cylinder are cemented tungsten carbide
Mass SetTotal mass: 17.7 kg
Maximum platter mass: 2.4 kg
includes trim mass set (1 mg to 20 g)
Pressure Control Pack (optional)Pressure range: 0 to 3000 psi
Dimensions: 7” H x 17” W x 12.5” D
All supply and test connections are 1/4 NPTF
Precision (type A uncertainty)Better than 3 ppm
Values are reported at the 95% confidence level (2s)
Long-term stabilityBetter than 3 ppm per year
Values are reported at the 95% confidence level (2s)
Resolution1 ppm or 1 mg, whichever is greater
Electrical power
(2470DP and 2475 only)
115/230 VAC, 50/60 Hz, 15 W
TemperatureOperating temperature 15–28 °C; storage temperature -20 to 70 °C
HumidityOperating humidity 20–75% relative humidity, noncondensing
Storage humidity 0–90%

Modellen: 2470 Gas Piston Gauge / High Pressure


Instrument Base for use with low, mid, and high range pistons


Mass Set with Trim Masses


100 - 3000 psi (6.89 - 201 bar) Piston Cylinder


Standard range: 0.4 - 103 in.Hg Piston Cylinder


Optional mid range: 3.4 - 400 in.Hg Piston Cylinder