8508A-PRT | Platinum Resistance Thermometer

Productoverzicht: 8508A-PRT | Platinum Resistance Thermometer

Product Overview: 8508A-PRT | Platinum Resistance Thermometer

  • Range to 661°C
  • Meets all ITS-90 requirements for resistance ratios
  • Rtp drift < 20 mK after 500 hours at 661°C
  • Calibrated accuracy of ± 0.006 °C at 0 °C

The 8508A-PRT Secondary Standard PRT Temperature Sensor has been designed and manufactured by Fluke Calibration's primary standards metrologists, to complement the Fluke 8508A Reference Multimeter’s precision PRT temperature function.

Specificaties: 8508A-PRT | Platinum Resistance Thermometer

Temperature Range –200 °C to 661 °C 
Handle Temp. 0 °C to 80 °C 
RTPW 100 Ω (± 1 Ω)
Resistance Ratio W(Ga)W(302.9146K) ≥ 1.11807
α ≥ 0.003925
Calibrated Accuracy (k=2) ± 0.006 °C at –200 °C
± 0.006 °C at 0 °C
± 0.015 °C at 420 °C
± 0.022 °C at 661 °C 
Stability± 0.003 °C
Long-Term Drift (k=2) < 0.006 °C/100 hours at 661 °C
Immersion At least 12.7 cm (5 in) recommended 
Sheath Inconel™ 600 
Lead Wires 4-wire Super-Flex PVC, 22 AGW 
Size 6.35 mm dia. 381 mm (0.25 x 15 in)
Calibration Accredited calibrations from Fluke Calibration included
Includes calibration and 100 hr drift

Modellen: 8508A-PRT | Platinum Resistance Thermometer

Platinum Resistance Thermometer
