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Found 18 results containing the words:learn
  • Fluke Thermal Imaging: The Key to Meeting NFPA 70B Standard

    The NFPA changed its recommended practice for electrical equipment maintenance to a standard. This means that proper maintenance is now required to keep electrical systems safe and reliable for workers. The purpose of NFPA 70B is to safeguard persons, property, and processes from risks associated with electrical equipment malfunction or failure. Maintenance is crucial for achieving this goal. Fluke Ti480 PRO Infrared Camera is one of many Fluke thermal imagers available to help technicians comply...

  • Cara aman membuka diskonektor non-load break dalam sistem fotovoltaik

    Pelajari tentang persyaratan diskonektor non-load break fotovoltaik tenaga surya yang dirancang agar tidak memutus arus.

  • Memperingati Hari Engineering Dunia 2021

    Hari Engineering Dunia diperingati setiap tanggal 4 Maret setiap tahun. Peringatan internasional tahunan ini dicanangkan untuk mengangkat prestasi para teknisi. Merekalah yang memberikan kontribusi krusial terhadap budaya kita, mulai dari penemuan roda hingga rover penjelajah Mars. Itulah sebabnya Hari Engineering Dunia dicanangkan bukan hanya untuk memperingati kontribusi dunia engineering terhadap inovasi dan pengetahuan teknologi dalam kehidupan modern, melainkan juga untuk memperkenalkan pekerjaan...

  • Dari Pendeteksi Kebocoran Ultrasonik hingga Pencitraan Akustik untuk Mendeteksi Kebocoran Udara

    Beralih dari pendeteksi kebocoran ultrasonik ke deteksi kebocoran udara visual dengan ii900 Sonic Industrial Imager dapat mengoptimalkan ROI dan memaksimalkan kapasitas.

  • Statistik Keselamatan Ketenagalistrikan 2021

    Keselamatan pelanggan adalah prioritas utama kami di Fluke. Terkait dengan keselamatan ketenagalistrikan, kualitas peralatan Anda sangat penting karena bisa jadi inilah yang menyelamatkan Anda dari sengatan listrik. Namun, alat yang Anda pakai bukan hanya menjadi penentu keselamatan di tempat kerja. Pada tahun kedua, Fluke mengirimkan survei. Dalam survei tersebut, teknisi dan pekerja listrik diminta untuk memberikan pendapat seputar budaya keselamatan di tempat kerja mereka saat ini. Daftar isi...

  • How to Test for Continuity with a Multimeter

    Learn how to test continuity using a digital multimeter.

  • Reduce instrument maintenance costs by 40% or more with route-based work flows

    Using route-based maintenance, technicians are issued multiple tasks and work orders to perform—rather than completing one work order at a time. This practice reduces the time walking to and from the shop and can decrease instrument maintenance costs by 40% or more. Learn about the challenges of implementing a route-based work flow and the top five calibration test tools to improve your efficiency. Speak to a specialist

  • How to switch your infrared camera from manual to automatic

    Learn how to quickly switch from auto mode to manual mode on your Fluke Ti401, Ti300, and Ti200 infrared cameras.   The Fluke Ti300+ Thermal Camera and Ti401 PRO Thermal Camera have been discontinued. See the Fluke Ti75+ Thermal Camera or the Ti480 PRO Infrared Camera. Transcript: Auto Monitor Image Capture is another feature on the Fluke VT04 Visual IR Thermometer. To access it, hit MENU and find this icon. You hit SELECT down to enable it and the right arrow key to drop to the second level...

  • Fluke Indonesia Peta Lokasi

    200506 - pf test

  • Program Kemitraan Edukasi Fluke

    Fluke Educator Partnership Program Sign up for the Educator's Partnership Program and receive a 25% discount for products and materials and be eligible for Fluke grants!* We've teamed up with colleges, trade technical and vocational schools, and apprenticeship programs to bring the latest application information and tools into the classroom. Receive FREE materials  PowerPoint presentations Application notes and case studies CDs, DVDs & Posters Free Shipping Equip your labs and help your students...

  • Fluke CV400 ClirVu® 95 mm (4 in) Infrared Window

    Reduce the risk of arc-flash and electrocution, increase the safety of your personnel and reduce the time and cost of preventive maintenance. Learn More.

  • Fluke Connect® Frequently Asked Questions

    General   Q: How much does the app cost? A: The mobile app is free to download on compatible devices from the Apple App Store or Google Play. There are multiple options for purchasing subscriptions of Fluke Connect® Assets. Apple Store (iTunes) – One 12 month license subscription costs USD $249.99 Google Play – One 6 month subscription costs USD $149.99 You may also purchase both single and multiple licenses at once for your team. You can get 5-license subscriptions at USD $1,199.99...

  • Repair services

    Repair Services Simplified Getting Service Information Needed for Your RMA Shipping Equipment to Fluke Standard Price Services Product Repair Options Replacement Parts Find a Fluke Authorized Service Center Repair Services Simplified: Fluke's Customer Support Services are dedicated to providing excellent service for our products and customers. We offer repair services and replacement parts through our certified service centers worldwide. Learn about Fluke Premium Care plans to prevent unexpected...

  • WorldSkills International

    WorldSkills International

  • Intern Frequently Asked Questions

    Q: What type of interns do you hire?   A: We look for electrical, software, mechanical and industrial engineers. We also have opportunities available for business students in accounting, marketing and operations management disciplines. Q: What can I expect from my internship?   A: You can expect to accept a challenging opportunity that will stretch you to your limits. We design our internship opportunities to be technically challenging and rewarding. You will be working closely...

  • Fluke 62 MAX+/T+PRO/1AC IR Thermometer, T+PRO Voltage Continuity Tester and Voltage Detector Kit

    The Fluke 62 MAX+ combined with the T+PRO voltage continuity tester and the 1-AC-II voltage detector, provides everything you need to solve problems quickly.

  • FlukeView Forms Software with cable

    FlukeView Forms Software with cable

  • Fluke AS400 Probe Accessory Extension Set

    Learn more about the Fluke AS400, a new factory probe accessory extension set for use with Fluke VPS400 Series Probes.
