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Found 44 results containing the words:solutions
  • MC-206 Basic MET/CAL® Procedure Writing

    Increase your calibration efficiency with automation software. Learn to configure MET/CAL® to get the most out of your calibrators.

  • Calibration Software

    h3 { font-weight: bold; } .intro { padding-bottom: 40px; } .courses { padding-bottom: 40px; } .course-features { display: grid; grid-template-columns: 1fr 1fr 1fr; column-gap: 20px; } .feature-card { margin-bottom: 20px; background-color: #ffffff; padding: 15px; display: grid; grid-template-rows: 1fr 50px; column-gap: 20px; } @media only screen and (max-width: 767px) { .course-features { grid-template-columns: 1fr; } .feature-card { margin-bottom: 20px; } } .on-demand-courses { padding-bottom: 40px;...

  • Calibración de presión

    Pressure is a sophisticated measurement discipline. But Fluke Calibration has the experts—and the best-engineered product solutions—and we can answer all your questions.

  • Temperature Calibration and Repair Services

    IntroductionFluke Calibration provides calibration and repair services for the former Hart Scientific line of temperature calibration equipment. Calibration and repair services for baths and industrial calibrators are provided in Everett, Washington, while digital thermometer readouts, 4180 and 4181 infrared calibrators, temperature probes (SPRTs, PRTs, thermistors, reference thermocouples) and other reference standards are calibrated and serviced in American Fork, Utah.Complete an online request...

  • Fluke 27GHz RF Calibrator – Concept Test

    Product description:The product is the Fluke 27GHz ‘single-box’ RF calibrator, with Fluke MET/CAL calibration automation software. It provides a unique level of integration through a combination of performance, functionality, signal delivery and measurement capability:Precision signal level and attenuation, high signal purity and low distortion modulationLow phase noise and jitterIntegral power meter readout (thermistor type power sensors)Integral 50MHz frequency counterCalibration oriented user...

  • DH Instruments (DHI), Ruska Instruments, Pressurements and the Fluke Calibration brand

    Ruska Instruments, founded in 1944 in Houston, Texas, grew from a small manufacturer of PVT (pressure, volume, temperature) instrumentation to a leading global manufacturer of precision laboratory pressure instrumentation.  Its deep tradition of pressure metrology makes it a household name in National Metrology Institutes and in other worldwide organizations with demanding pressure calibration needs.  The Ruska brand features primary pressure standards, transfer standards, air data test sets, accessories,...

  • DH Instruments (DHI) Pressure and Flow Calibration

    DH Instruments pressure and flow calibration is part of Fluke CalibrationDH Instruments (DHI) was founded in 1980 with one objective: to provide superior calibration solutions through innovative technology, first rate service, and uncompromisingly metrological integrity.  Now, under the Fluke Calibration name, those values and the DH Instrument commitment to excellence remain the same.DH Instruments customers include metrologists, engineers, technicians, researchers, and quality professionals worldwide...

  • Pressurements deadweight testers and comparison test pumps calibration

    Pressurements pressure calibration is part of Fluke CalibrationPressurements pressure calibration products, originally from Pressurements, Ltd in the United Kingdom, include a comprehensive series of instruments for the accurate measurement of pressure. Versatile, easy to use, and extremely accurate, these instruments include hydraulic deadweight testers and combined pressure and vacuum deadweight testers. In addition, Pressurements comparison test pumps are also now manufactured and sold through...

  • Using precision digital multimeters in place of analog null meters for metrological applications

    Based on a white paper by Neil Faulkner and Jeff Gust, Fluke CalibrationFluke 8588A Reference MultimeterAbstractHistorically, analog null meters, also called analog null detectors, have been used to determine zero voltage conditions in metrological applications. When digital multimeters (DMMs) became available with sensitivity comparable to null meters, they were adopted quickly, and analog null meters were set aside. However, depending on the circuit and the DMM, significant measurement errors can...

  • Fluke Calibration: Seven Measurement Disciplines, One Brand

    What does it take to deliver precision, performance and confidence?It takes years of experience and expertise.Since its founding in 1948, Fluke has helped define and grow a unique technology market, providing testing and troubleshooting capabilities that have grown to mission critical status in manufacturing and service industries. Fluke Calibration instruments and software help measurement professionals around the globe keep their organizations up and running.It takes worldwide reach.Fluke Calibration...

  • Calibrating a Heat Source using MET/TEMP II

    Fluke Calibration provides solutions to all FAQs related to calibrating a heat source using MET/TEMP II.

  • Accurate Fever Scanning with Infrared Forehead Thermometers: Issues, Solutions and How to Calibrate

    See 10 steps of how to check the accuracy of an infrared thermometer designed for measuring human body temperature. Learn best practices & how things work.

  • Inside Fluke’s most accurate multimeters: the 8588A and 8558A 8.5-digit digital multimeters

    Fluke's latest 8588A and 8558A high performance DMMs include several new and innovative improvements to help you do your job right. See for yourself here.

  • The Difference Between Intermediate Checks per ISO 17025 (AKA “verification”) vs Calibration—Plus Tips for Incorporating Intermediate Checks to Help Save You from Costly Manufacturing Recalls

    Learn about intermediate checks per ISO 17025 (AKA “verification”) vs calibration. Plus, tips for incorporating them to prevent costly manufacturing recalls.

  • Measuring the way to a safer global food system

    Every year on May 20, World Metrology Day calls attention to the critical importance of uniform, accurate, traceable measurements in all aspects of the global experience. This year’s theme focuses on “Measurements supporting the global food system” which is in direct response to the challenges we face trying to produce enough safe food to reach a global population of 8 billion people.

  • Now You Can Use MET/CAL™ Software by Itself or With the Asset Management Software of Your Choice

    Learn how MET/CONNECT Calibration Integration Software allows you to use MET/CAL Software without an asset management application or with the one of your choice.

  • Performing Precise Pressure Calibrations May Cost Less Than You Think

    A key advantage of deadweight testers is that all of the hardware required to generate pressure and precisely control and measure it can be contained within the instrument. On-board hand pumps are offered on Fluke Calibration Pressurements deadweight testers to generate vacuum or air pressure, or to prime higher pressure hydraulic systems

  • Aircraft pressure transducer calibration: How to increase accuracy and significantly cut labor time with automation

    Learn how aircraft pressure transducer calibration can increase accuracy and cut labor time with automation. See how Fluke helped an FAA-approved repair center.

  • Understanding and Dealing with High Frequency Error Sources in Oscilloscope Calibration

    Metrologists & calibration technicians deal with a variety of high frequency considerations such matching errors. Understanding how sources of errors in oscilloscope calibration influence the results & how to address them can simplify scope calibration, reduce errors & ease the burden of uncertainty analysis

  • Three keys to bringing pressure calibration in house

    If you outsource pressure calibration, you may benefit by bringing it in house. Read 3 things to consider when bringing pressure calibration in-house.

  • Mixing fluids in a high-pressure calibration without fear of contamination

    See two options for mixing fluids in a high-pressure calibration without fear of contamination. Read the short blog post by Fluke here.

  • Opportunities to learn about calibration and metrology

    calibration education, metrology education, web seminars, software user groups, application notes, learn about calibration, learn about metrology

  • Replacing your old pressure controller? Here are five things you should know.

    It's obsolete and the manufacturer doesn't support it anymore.

  • Getting started in pressure calibration: a guide to breaking down the barriers

    If you are currently outsourcing or turning away pressure calibration business, you may be doing so unnecessarily. The barriers to enter the pressure calibration business can be overcome fairly easily.

  • What else is needed to complete the pressure calibration solution?

    See "Are pressure generation and control required?" and specific product specifications to determine what is needed. Most needed hardware can be found in the Pressure calibration accessories section.

  • To what extent can the calibration process be automated?

    Automation of the pressure calibration process has many potential benefits, including increasing productivity, ensuring better pressure measurements

  • World Metrology Day message from Fluke Chief Corporate Metrologist Jeff Gust

    World Metrology Day 2014A message from Fluke Chief Corporate Metrologist Jeff GustWorld Metrology Day commemorates the signing of the Meter Convention on May 20, 1875. Those who are dedicated to metrology, the science of measurement, recognize this day each year as their time to celebrate the importance of measurements. Fluke Corporation joins enthusiastically in this annual celebration, as we have a long history of dedication to metrology. The theme for World Metrology Day 2014 is “Measurements...

  • How to Calibrate a Pressure Gauge with the Fluke 8270A High-Pressure Controller Calibrator

    Hi, this is Jeff Grossman, Sales Engineer for Fluke Calibration’s pressure and mass flow calibration solutions, here to provide you with a demonstration of one of our three modular pressure controllers. I happen to have here the 8270A which has a maximum pressure of 6000 psi complemented by the 6270A maximum pressure of 3000 psi and the 8370A with maximum pressure of 15,000 psi. The nice thing is they share a lot of commonality which makes them easy to switch between and easy to use.Very small...

  • Calibration

    a.anchor { scroll-margin-top: 100px; scroll-snap-margin-top: 100px; } Calibration is configuring and verifying a measuring instrument's accuracy to ensure its readings match a known standard. It’s a foundational practice across healthcare, electronics, manufacturing, and environmental monitoring.Instruments naturally experience wear, drift, and environmental impact over time, which can compromise their performance. Calibration restores their accuracy and ensures consistent, reliable operation that...

  • FPGTools PC Based Software

    FPGTools PC Based Software (.exe)File size is 171.33 mb.TITLEVERUSE WITHFPGTools™3.03f2010.06.03FPG8601DescriptionFPGTools is PC based software.SummaryThis application is the PC interface to the FPG8601 and the VLPC. Features are included to log data from the FPG and up to 5 DUTs, run test sequences, and perform all necessary routine procedures required by the FPG. This application cannot be used without an FPG8601 and a functioning RS232 port on the host computer.Instructions:Download and run...

  • TQSoft and TQAero Thermal Validation Software

    For FDA 21 CFR Part 11 and AMS 2750 Compliant Data Collection

  • COMPASS® for Pressure Version 4 Release Notes

    Download COMPASS® for PressureVersion 4 Releases4.2 (2012.07.27)ADDCP-115%4COMPASS for Pressure now supports the calibration functions of CalTool for RPTs. This functionality allows users to fully adjust and report calibration results for supported Fluke products. Sample tests are included with COMPASS that support automated collection of as received data and as left data with an adjustment in between. Review the CalTool for RPTs application note for details. The COMPASS CalTool implementation supports...

  • Improving triple point of water cell accuracy

    The triple point of water (TPW) is the only thermometric fixed point used in definitions of both the thermodynamic temperature and the international temperature scale. It is undoubtedly the most important fixed point in thermometry. Some results from the international comparison of TPW cells undertaken a few years ago found differences among TPW cells as large as 0.1 mK or more. This is why we started working to improve the quality of our TPW cells about four years ago.As we know, impurities in the...

  • Proper calibration of industrial temperature process systems

    Temperature measurement is a critical parameter in many industrial processes. As a result, these processes generally use installed thermometers or temperature transducers. Proper calibration of these installed systems has always presented a challenge. Traditionally, simulators are used to provide in-situ calibration of the electronic portions of these systems. Although this is a valid technique for the calibration of the electronics, considerable inaccuracies are introduced by the sensor itself.The...

  • Fourth annual Fluke Safety Survey reveals opportunities to improve safety training

    En Fluke nuestra máxima prioridad es la seguridad del cliente. Cuando se trata de la seguridad eléctrica, la calidad de sus instrumentos es importante porque podrían ser las que se interpongan entre usted y la descarga eléctrica. Sin embargo, la seguridad en el puesto de trabajo va más allá del instrumento utilizado en un momento determinado. Por segundo año, Fluke envió una encuesta en la que pedía a electricistas y trabajadores del sector eléctrico que reflexionaran sobre la cultura de...

  • 3 principios fundamentales para desarrollar una sólida cultura de seguridad

    Cómo fomentar una cultura de empresa en la que los empleados adopten las medidas necesarias para forjar una cultura de seguridad

  • Los 3 principales riesgos de seguridad de la energía solar fotovoltaica y cómo evitarlos

    Evite los 3 principales riesgos de la energía solar y aprenda a trabajar de forma más segura a la hora de realizar tareas de mantenimiento en sistemas fotovoltaicos. Debe conocer las medidas de control que se han de tomar y cómo planificar un entorno de trabajo seguro.

  • Cómo mejorar el factor de potencia

    Learn how to improve power factor, including specific solutions for different root causes of poor power factor.

  • Programa de colaboración educativa de Fluke

    Fluke Educator Partnership Program Sign up for the Educator's Partnership Program and receive a 25% discount for products and materials and be eligible for Fluke grants!* We've teamed up with colleges, trade technical and vocational schools, and apprenticeship programs to bring the latest application information and tools into the classroom. Receive FREE materials PowerPoint presentations Application notes and case studies CDs, DVDs & Posters Free Shipping Equip your labs and help your students...

  • Perfil corporativo de Fluke

    Updated CIO RT 11/3/2020

  • Fluke 743/744 Documenting Software - DPC/TRACK

    Cree instrucciones, listas y procedimientos de calibración en su PC y descárguelos en su dispositivo 743B o 744 de Fluke. Suba los datos de calibración a su PC. Imprima informes o exporte datos en formato ASCII estándar.

  • Cómo funde la luz térmica y visible la tecnología (pendiente de patente)

    Hay muchas razones por las que las imágenes visibles generalmente son más nítidas y claras que las imágenes infrarrojas. Una es que los conjuntos de sensores visibles pueden hacerse con elementos detectores más pequeños y con un número de elementos mucho mayor.
