Recursos de calibración

La calibración ayuda a garantizar la exactitud de medidas que son fundamentales para la calidad y la seguridad en el día a día. Como profesional de la calibración, el mundo confía en su buen trabajo. Estamos aquí para ayudarle con artículos educativos sobre diversos temas de calibración. Estos incluyen las técnicas de calibración más recientes, el uso de diversos instrumentos de calibración, la calibración en diferentes entornos y mucho más. Ya sea que esté calibrando temperatura, presión, sistemas eléctricos, RF, flujo, humedad o software, nuestro objetivo es ayudarle a lograr los resultados más exactos en todo momento.

Recursos útiles

Hable con un experto de Fluke


Seminarios web bajo demanda sobre calibración

Calibración de procesos

  • Ver ahora

Calibración de presión


Calibración en la mesa de trabajo con un comprobador de peso muerto

A deadweight tester is a proven method of pressure calibration that is usually chosen for bench applications when accuracy and reliability are the top requirements. Calibrations are performed at the bench for convenience and to maintain reference conditions.


Bombas de mano y manómetros de prueba para la prueba de presión en la práctica

It's important to select the proper pump and gauge to match the testing application at hand—a good guideline is the testing device should be 4-10 times more accurate than the device being tested.


Enfoque manual a la prueba del interruptor de presión

La calibración precisa de los presostatos es un componente fundamental para garantizar la calidad del proceso y el funcionamiento seguro del equipo.


Calibración de un transmisor de presión inteligente HART

Verifying and documenting the performance and adjusting a HART smart pressure transmitter can require a bucket full of tools. Performing this task with a HART enabled calibrator like the Fluke 754 simplifies the task and reduces what you need to carry.

Calibración de temperatura


Automatización de la calibración de temperatura en la mesa de trabajo

See the advantages of automating temperature calibration, different ways to achieve automation, and the general steps required. Plus, see related resources.


Simulación de termopares y RTD para calibración y pruebas


Verificación de termómetros portátiles

On-the-spot temperature checks using portable thermometers are frequently performed in the field by technicians in order to ensure product quality.


Calibración del transmisor de temperatura

Calibración de lazo


Un nuevo procedimiento para comprobar las válvulas de control

Las válvulas inteligentes de control proporcional desempeñan una labor fundamental en las industrias de procesos. Sin embargo, evaluar con precisión el rendimiento de dicha válvulas puede ser una tarea engorrosa.


Abrir nuevos caminos sin interrumpir el bucle

Los informes anteriores del campo sugieren que las nuevas pinzas amperimétricas mA para procesos Fluke 772 y 773 pueden cambiar las reglas de juego y abrir nuevos caminos para los técnicos de la industria de control de calefacción, ventilación y aire acondicionado. Estos medidores con sus conjuntos de funciones ofrecen resolver los problemas más comunes de los sistemas de control modernos con rapidez.


Cómo mejorar la optimización gracias a la calibración

Descubra qué instrumentos de calibración son más adecuados para mejorar la optimización y la calidad de las plantas de fabricación de procesos, como industria química, energía nuclear, industria farmacéutica y papelera.


Solución de problemas en sistemas de control de procesos de 4 a 20 mA sin interrumpir el lazo

Cualquier persona que trabaje en cualquier tipo de planta de fabricación sabe que nada puede arruinar un día más rápido que los tiempos de inactividad no programados. La pérdida de tiempo de producción implica una menor producción, lo que puede tener un precio considerable. En una planta de procesos, esa productividad perdida puede magnificarse dado que un lote completo de cierto producto puede arruinarse si el corte ocurre en un punto crítico del proceso.

Todos los artículos sobre calibración


Operating System Compatibility Chart for Pressure and Flow Calibration Software


The importance of good insulation resistance in metal platinum resistance thermometers


Fluke 27GHz RF Calibrator – Concept Test


Constant temperature bath to improve the stability of medical device manufacturing and temperature control processes


Best practices for your mobile calibration services

This article provides essential tips and best practices for running successful mobile calibration services. Whether you're a mobile calibration technician or looking to add mobile calibration services to your business, this guide will help you stay organized and prepared for any situation.


1523/1524 accuracy with selected probes


How to Calibrate a Hygrometer

To prevent these problems, industries with products at risk of spoilage install instruments to measure humidity and temperature continuously through the manufacturing process and also while products are stored.


Two free best practice guides and the "Stik" Thermometer data sheet

Best practices that apply to any thermometer calibration


What are customer saying about the Fluke Calibration 5500A Series Multi-Product Calibrator: A Game-Changing Calibration Tool

The Fluke Calibration 5500A Series Multi-Product Calibrator tool streamlines calibration making it the best choice for precision calibration needs.


The 9144 Field Metrology Well has replaced the 9141 Dry-Well

Fluke Calibration produces the broadest range of electrical, RF, temperature, pressure & flow calibration instruments & software that help measurement professionals around the globe.


Centro de recursos para la industria farmacéutica


Calibración de presión


Calibrating a Heat Source using MET/TEMP II

Fluke Calibration provides solutions to all FAQs related to calibrating a heat source using MET/TEMP II.


Calibration Standards

Calibration standards are devices that are compared against less accurate devices to verify the performance of the less accurate devices.


Calibration: Philosophy in Practice, Second Edition


Centro de recursos para la industria farmacéutica - Automatización de procesos


Centro de recursos para la industria farmacéutica - Calibración en terreno


Centro de recursos para la industria farmacéutica - Mantenimiento de laboratorios

Centro de recursos para la industria farmacéutica


Dry-Block Calibrators vs. Temperature Baths: Choosing the Right One for You

This dry block calibrator vs temperature bath analysis helps you pick the option best for your application. See the comparison in 5 areas of consideration.


Mars Science Laboratory

You can bet there is a lot of test and measurement equipment onboard Curiosity. As a test and measurement professional, I’d like to tell you about some of the things I find especially interesting.


Measurement Uncertainty Training Materials

Get 7 free measurement uncertainty training materials including videos, webinars, & articles. Fluke also offers a paid, online course for deeper knowledge.


Non-linear curve fitting using GNU plot

In metrology, what do you do when your curve-fitting software program doesn’t work because you’re dealing with a non-linear equation? Learn here.


Notes from the Tech Support Desk

Read this short blog post to learn how Fluke Calibration technical support works and get some tips on how to prepare for your tech support call.


Rotameter Calibration

Fluke experts show you how to calibrate a pressure rotameter including a step-by-step rotameter calibration procedure, calibration curve, and tips.


Seeing what can't be seen in a triple point of argon system

The triple point of argon (83.8058 K ) is one of the most commonly used fixed points for the calibration of standard platinum resistance thermometers (SPRTs) at temperatures below 273.16 K. It’s a defining fixed point of the International Temperature Scale of 1990 (ITS-90). Fluke Calibration recently designed a new Triple Point of argon system with the goal in mind of achieving both efficiency and accuracy in calibrating SPRTs.


The Case to Revise ISO 17025 - Part 1

It is becoming my opinion that ISO 17025 needs to be revised. This is the first of a series of blog posts that I will be making to demonstrate why the revision needs to be made.


When Cal Lab and Service Managers Work Remotely

Fluke Calibration recently hosted a webinar (now available in its entirety as free and on-demand) in which a panel of Fluke associates talked about lessons learned and best practices for working, when some employees can work remotely and others must go to the calibration laboratory


9 Reasons to Purchase a Fluke 5790B AC Measurement Standard

In this article, electrical calibration expert Marty Kidd explains why someone needs this type of product. He also explains why owners of an old Fluke 5790A should consider moving up to a new 5790B.


A new look at a triumph of engineering and ingenuity from 1968

Lunar reconnaissance is not possible without the precise testing and measurement activity that calibration professionals know so well. Read more here.


Another NCSLI conference is in the books

Another NCSLI conference is in the books. This year, the metrology faithful (and budget funded!) once again gathered to gain knowledge through tutorials and technical presentations, contribute to the industry through attendance of committee meetings, talk to vendors at the exhibition, network with some of the world’s experts in metrology and spend time with old friends. There were so many great things happening that I didn’t even have time to compose a single tweet!


Calibración de caudalímetros: Las cinco prácticas recomendadas que debe conocer

En esta publicación del blog de Fluke Calibration, podrá descubrir las cinco prácticas recomendadas para calibrar caudalímetros y garantizar su rendimiento óptimo. Leer aquí.


CalNet Possibilities Fluke


Centro de recursos para la industria farmacéutica - Mantenimiento de las instalaciones


Data Acquisition System Selection Guide

The Fluke Calibration 1586A and Fluke 2638A are two new data acquisition systems that offer great value and performance. This selection guide will help you understand the differences between the two, the strengths of each, and which one will best meet your current and future needs.


Eliminación de errores adicionales al calibrar resistencia

Descubra los cuatro métodos de conexión diferentes y los ajustes que hay que realizar para medir y comprobar la resistencia con un multímetro digital portátil, un multímetro de banco y un multímetro de sistemas.


Eliminating sensor errors in temperature control loop calibrations

Follow the steps as we demonstrate how to link a documenting process calibrator to a drywell to calibrate a 4-20 mA transmitter and probe in a system.


Fluke 6130B y 6003A: 5 razones para elegir el calibrador de calidad eléctrica 6130B

Tras la retirada del 6003A, el calibrador de calidad eléctrica 6130B es el mejor sustituto posible. Wally Miller, experto en productos de Fluke Calibration, compara los dos instrumentos y explica por qué el 6130B le ofrece mucho más.


Fuentes de error más frecuentes en la calibración de osciloscopios

Explore analysis of high-frequency error sources in oscilloscope calibration. Gather insights into the causes, impacts, and methods to mitigate these errors to enhance your accuracy.


How to automate calibration of analog output pressure transmitters

See an example using the Fluke 2271A Industrial Pressure Calibrator to automate testing & calibration of pressure transmitters from 10 in of water to 3000 psi.


How to avoid contamination in pressure calibration

Discover Fluke resources on how & why to prevent contamination in pressure calibration including videos, webinars, and blog posts. Learn more here.


In a Standards Laboratory, Every Detail Counts

What happens when an electrical standards laboratory’s environmental control system gets old, cranky and hard to maintain? When the lab in question is the Fluke Everett Primary Electrical Laboratory (EPEL), the answer was to replace the air conditioning system, as part of a bigger endeavor to renovate the lab.


Is it Time to Set Up Your Own In-House, Humidity Calibration and Measuring Lab?

Should you bring humidity measurement and calibration in house? Learn to answer this question from the perspective of ROI, requirements, and workload.


Measuring the way to a safer global food system

Every year on May 20, World Metrology Day calls attention to the critical importance of uniform, accurate, traceable measurements in all aspects of the global experience. This year’s theme focuses on “Measurements supporting the global food system” which is in direct response to the challenges we face trying to produce enough safe food to reach a global population of 8 billion people.


Multi-product calibrator plus reference multimeter expands your workload

Elevate lab precision: Combine 5560A Calibrator, Reference Multimeter, Transconductance Amp, MET/CAL & Fluke Premium Care for top-tier accuracy, automation & reliability. Consult our specialists today.


Normas de seguridad y calibración

La calibración mejora la seguridad. Descubra cómo las normas globales de seguridad y las funciones de seguridad de los instrumentos de calibración de Fluke mantienen la seguridad de laboratorios y trabajadores.


Precision Infrared Calibrators Resource Center


Remembering John Fluke Sr.—three decades later

This video includes reminiscences from Fluke and Fluke Calibration associates who remember what it was like to work at Fluke ”back in the day.”


Serie de folletos informativos sobre las aplicaciones de los termopares

Los termopares se usan, en general, en muchas aplicaciones industriales y científicas. Sin embargo, entender cómo funcionan y cómo deben ser calibrados puede resultar una tarea difícil.


Six reasons why a pressure controller/calibrator might be the right solution for your pressure calibration application

Read more about why you a pressure controller/calibrator fits the needs of your pressure calibration calibrator and watch our vide about the 6270A Pressure Controller/Calibrator.


Steps to determine if the size of your source is too small

Knowledge of size of source is important for your infrared thermometer calibration. You should use this knowledge in determining a proper size for the thermal radiation source used for the calibration. The three methods to study the amount of source are listed below. Field-of-view Test Field-of-view Specification Sweep


The Difference Between Intermediate Checks per ISO 17025 (AKA “verification”) vs Calibration—Plus Tips for Incorporating Intermediate Checks to Help Save You from Costly Manufacturing Recalls

Learn about intermediate checks per ISO 17025 (AKA “verification”) vs calibration. Plus, tips for incorporating them to prevent costly manufacturing recalls.


The Reference Multimeter and Ratio Measurements


The Two Worlds of Radiometric and Radiation Thermometer Calibration

What is the difference between the radiometric calibration they speak of and the radiometric calibration I speak of when referring to radiation thermometry? In some aspects, I can answer this by saying “Nothing.” However, I could also answer this by saying “Everything.”


Thermocouple calibration: what you need to know

Learn how thermocouples work & how to choose calibration equipment, calculate uncertainties, and calibrate thermocouples. Read here and watch the video.


Understanding the Importance of Traceability to the SI

Consider if your company would be best served by specifying traceability to the SI instead of to your local NMI.


Usos del amplificador de transconductancia 52120A fuera del laboratorio

¿Qué utilidad tiene un amplificador de transconductancia Fluke además de la calibración? Suministro exacto de corriente CA y CC, detección de sobretensión y mucho más.


Yes you can give a great presentation at NCSLI or MSC

Whether you’re speaking to a small group of colleagues at your company or a group of professionals at MSC or NCSLI, here are some tips to help you succeed – and perhaps even enjoy your experience as a public speaker.


Yes, you can write that technical paper

Writer’s block isn’t limited to metrologists, of course – it’s a universal problem that people in many professions face (even writers). Here are a few simple tips that can help you on your way to greater visibility and respect in your career.


2015 World Metrology Day Message

Read this short blog post to see how Fluke Calibration contributes in this year's World Metrology Day theme, “Measurements and Light”.


7 important facts you must know before calibrating a clamp meter

A clamp meter typically requires an annual calibration to ensure that it continues to make measurements within the manufacturer’s specifications..


A Proposal for a Standard Calibration Data Format

In 2012, the Association of German Engineers developed VDI/VDE-2623, which defines and establishes a Calibration Data Exchange Format. VDI/VDE-2623 establishes a rigid Extensible Markup Language (XML) data structure with both required and optional fields


Calibration Equipment Manufacturers: 10 Things to Look for Before You Buy

Looking to purchase a calibrator from a calibration equipment manufacturer? Grade them with these 10 criteria to make sure you get the best return on investment.


Centros de recursos

Los centros de recursos son conjuntos de material informativo (videos, notas de aplicación, papeles en blanco y más) acerca de un tema específico. Un centro de recursos puede ser un gran lugar para investigar un tema más a fondo y ver todo lo que tenemos a disposición, todo en un lugar.


Cómo comprar un calibrador eléctrico de múltiples productos: Siete puntos que debe tener en cuenta

Con frecuencia, ofrecen opciones para añadir la posibilidad de calibrar elementos de cargas de trabajo adicionales como osciloscopios o analizadores de la calidad eléctrica. Algunos se pueden automatizar con software para aumentar el rendimiento y reducir los errores.


Estimación del tiempo de calibración ahorrado con 7109A

Una calibración típica de 3 puntos de 4 sensores sanitarios tri-clamp demanda más de 4 horas (259.45 minutos) usando el microbaño 7103. Esa misma calibración, realizada con el baño de calibración portátil 7109A, demanda alrededor de 2 horas (130.0 minutos). ¡Esto representa un ahorro de más de 2 horas por cada lote de 4 sensores!


Getting started in pressure calibration: a guide to breaking down the barriers

If you are currently outsourcing or turning away pressure calibration business, you may be doing so unnecessarily. The barriers to enter the pressure calibration business can be overcome fairly easily.


How often should you calibrate?

While there’s no “one size fits all” answer, see this post for helpful guidelines on how often you should calibrate thermometers, test equipment, multimeters, etc.


How to calibrate pressure dial gauges using cardinal point calibration

When calibrating a dial gauge, it can be challenging to interpret readings when the pointer is between marks. Learn how to overcome the challenge here.


How to simplify maintenance of a HART pressure transmitter

Complete maintenance of a HART transmitter involves three distinct operations: configuration, calibration, and adjustment. Learn more here.


Manual approach to test a pressure switch

In manually testing a pressure switch, calibrators can save you time by reducing steps, automating, & reducing the amount of equipment you need. Learn more.


Memo on the traceability, calibration, and recalibration requirements for Fluke coils

It is a well-established practice in calibration laboratories to use current coils for clamp meter calibrations. Many laboratories either build their own coil, or simply make several loops of a test lead for the purpose of increasing the current value sensed by the clamp meter


Opportunities to learn about calibration and metrology

calibration education, metrology education, web seminars, software user groups, application notes, learn about calibration, learn about metrology


Thermocouple Fundamentals: App Notes Series, 1 of 4

What is a thermocouple? How does a thermocouple work? Why do thermocouples need to be calibrated?


Three Common Causes of Calibration Problems

What knocks a digital instrument out of calibration? Learn about the 3 main causes of calibration problems: component shift, drops & overloads.


Three Surprising Features of the 8588A Reference Multimeter

See how Fluke’s long-scale DMMs enable digitizing with emulation, characterization of non-repetitive waveforms & lighted connection terminals. Learn more.


Verifying process gauges, analog and digital

Both analog & digital process gauges need to be regularly verified. See the options for verifying in the field or at the bench & the steps to follow.


What matters in custody transfer: 5 ways to ensure precise measurements

See 5 ways to ensure precise measurements in oil & gas custody transfer & see how one calibrator can calibrate the involved pressure & temperature transmitters.


AC versus DC: The Truth

The purpose of this paper is to truthfully answer various questions one might have with regard to resistance bridges and readouts after reading some of the sales hype arguing that AC is better than DC or vice versa


Guía de selección de indicadores de termómetros

El indicador de termómetro digital de precisión de Fluke Calibration está específicamente diseñado para medir sensores de temperatura para calibración.


Guía de selección de patrones principales

Los instrumentos de definición de la ITS-90 (Escala de temperatura internacional de 1990) son termómetros de resistencia de platino estándar (SPRT) y celdas de punto fijo ITS-90.


Guía de selección de sondas de termómetros

La división Hart Scientific de Fluke fabrica termómetros de resistencia de platino, termopares, sensores de temperatura de termistor para una calibración y medición precisa de temperaturas


Platinum Resistance Thermometers (PRT)

A platinum resistance thermometer (PRT) is a thermometer constructed from a high purity platinum element (wire-wound coil or thin film) placed in a tube of metal or glass and sealed with an inert atmosphere and/or mineral insulator.


PPC4 Cockpit Sample Run Windows


To what extent can the calibration process be automated?

Automation of the pressure calibration process has many potential benefits, including increasing productivity, ensuring better pressure measurements


What is the accuracy/uncertainty of the device to be tested?

The first step to selecting the right pressure calibration product is to understand the specifications of the device under test (DUT).


What is the environment in which the calibration is to take place?

Once you know which categories of instruments will meet your measurement performance needs, you can determine which of those instruments can be used effectively in your environment.


Why buy Primary Standards from Fluke Calibration?

Fluke Calibration’s fixed-point cells benefit from more than 20 years of experience in research, design, and manufacturing. Four types of cells are available: traditional size cells, “mini” quartz cells, new “mini” metal-cased cells, and small stainless steel “X” cells


Why Calibrate Test Equipment?

Why calibrate test equipment? What makes it go out of cal? What happens when you send equipment for calibration? When should you calibrate? Learn here.


Why Use an Annealing Furnace?


Why Use Fluke Calibration Metal Freeze-Point Cells?

See a full list of Metal Freeze-Point Cells produced by Fluke and learn more about them here.


5 Steps to Calibrate an RTD




Calibrator: A Comprehensive Introduction


How to Calibrate a Digital Thermometer with a Dry-Block Calibrator and with Freezing and Boiling Water


How to Calibrate a Pressure Gauge with the Fluke 8270A High-Pressure Controller Calibrator


Infrared Thermometer Calibration - A Complete Guide


Temperature calibration: Tips and tricks from the real world


Three methods for calibrating temperature sensors: pros and cons


Why is Calibration Important?


What is the HART protocol?


¿Por qué elegir Fluke Calibration?

Aquí están algunos de los motivos más importantes para que considere una adquisición de Fluke Calibration


2 guidelines to make sure the pressure calibration equipment you're buying fits your needs

If you are purchasing a calibrator to calibrate pressure measurement devices, follow these 2 simple steps to ensure you get what you need.


6 ways to maximize instrumentation calibration success

To minimize plant downtime and keep operations up and running, follow this guidance to ensure smooth instrumentation calibration.


Best Benchtop Multimeter – Most stable & accurate

See why Roger Pineche, Director of Engineering at Fluke, says the new 8588A and 8558A are the best benchtop multimeters in terms of stability & accuracy.


How to Accurately Calibrate a Hygrometer

Get step-by-step instructions on how to accurately calibrate a hygrometer or other humidity sensor including why it’s important, techniques, and tips.


Medidas en medicina | Día Mundial de la Metrología 2021

Jeff Gust, jefe de metrología corporativa de Fluke, explica el papel que desempeñan las medidas exactas en la lucha contra la COVID-19. Vea el breve vídeo aquí.


Calibración y prueba de sensores RTD


Automatización de la calibración de temperatura en la mesa de trabajo

See the advantages of automating temperature calibration, different ways to achieve automation, and the general steps required. Plus, see related resources.


Calibración del transmisor de temperatura


Calibración de un transductor de presión

Fluke experts show you how to calibrate a pressure transducer including a step-by-step pressure transducer calibration procedure, certificate, and tips.


Verificación de termómetros portátiles

On-the-spot temperature checks using portable thermometers are frequently performed in the field by technicians in order to ensure product quality.


Simulación de termopares y RTD para calibración y pruebas


Automatización del transmisor y calibraciones de sensor


Pruebas de los interruptores y controladores de temperatura en la práctica


Los factores más importantes en la transferencia de custodia


Cómo asegurar el funcionamiento correcto de los posicionadores de las válvulas de control

Aprenda a evitar derivas de calibración en los posicionadores de las válvulas de control dentro de su plan de mantenimiento preventivo.


Calibración de sensores de temperatura en el campo

Pairing a Fluke dry well with a handheld documenting calibrator allows for a complete field temperature sensor calibration solution.


Calibración del transmisor de presión en la mesa de trabajo


Proceso de verificación manómetros analógicos y digitales

How to perform a verification test on analog vs digital pressure gauges. Both analog and digital process gauges need to be verified to detect errors related to drift, environment, electrical supply, addition of components to the output loop, and other process changes


Enfoque manual a la prueba del interruptor de presión

La calibración precisa de los presostatos es un componente fundamental para garantizar la calidad del proceso y el funcionamiento seguro del equipo.


Bombas de mano y manómetros de prueba para la prueba de presión en la práctica

It's important to select the proper pump and gauge to match the testing application at hand—a good guideline is the testing device should be 4-10 times more accurate than the device being tested.


Calibración de computadoras de flujo de transferencia de custodia de gas

Gas custody transfer flow computers that calculate flow in pipelines by measuring the differential pressure across a flow restriction, such as an orifice plate or other differential pressure flow device, require special calibration to perform at optimum accuracy.


Registro del enfoque para la prueba del interruptor de presión


Calibración en la mesa de trabajo con un comparador de presión

A pressure comparator is a convenient instrument for bench pressure calibration. Bench calibrations are performed to maintain reference conditions and to obtain the lowest possible uncertainties. The bench is also a convenient place to inspect, adjust, and repair the devices under test.


Calibración en la mesa de trabajo con un comprobador de peso muerto

A deadweight tester is a proven method of pressure calibration that is usually chosen for bench applications when accuracy and reliability are the top requirements. Calibrations are performed at the bench for convenience and to maintain reference conditions.


Calibración de un transmisor de presión inteligente HART

Verifying and documenting the performance and adjusting a HART smart pressure transmitter can require a bucket full of tools. Performing this task with a HART enabled calibrator like the Fluke 754 simplifies the task and reduces what you need to carry.


Cómo mejorar la optimización gracias a la calibración

Descubra qué instrumentos de calibración son más adecuados para mejorar la optimización y la calidad de las plantas de fabricación de procesos, como industria química, energía nuclear, industria farmacéutica y papelera.


Reduce instrument maintenance costs by 40% or more with route-based work flows


Un nuevo procedimiento para comprobar las válvulas de control

Las válvulas inteligentes de control proporcional desempeñan una labor fundamental en las industrias de procesos. Sin embargo, evaluar con precisión el rendimiento de dicha válvulas puede ser una tarea engorrosa.


La NIF lleva energía estelar al planeta

Se le podría denominar fábrica a este sitio, pero nunca antes se ha visto una planta como esta.


Aplicaciones de 4 a 20 mA por los miembros de FlukePlus

Nuestra instalación usa varias células de transmisores de presión digitales (Rosemount) para medir los niveles de varios depósitos. El producto en el depósito aplica fuerza en la superficie de la célula, la cual manda una señal de miliamperios hacia el PLC (controlador lógico programable) (más nivel en el depósito = más presión en la superficie = más corriente transmitida).


El acondicionamiento de señales garantiza la exactitud de las mediciones

En una planta de fabricación de componentes críticos para compañías aeroespaciales, un técnico calibra el sistema de control que mantiene temperaturas precisas dentro de los hornos que endurecen los componentes de metal durante los procesos de termotratado.


Calibración de transmisores e interruptores de presión en ambientes potencialmente explosivos

La calibración de la presión puede ser difícil en los mejores ambientes. Trabajar en un área que tiene el potencial de explosión lleva el grado de dificultad a otro nivel, uno en el que el técnico debe tener la capacitación y el equipo adecuados.


Evaluación de válvulas de control y su desempeño

Al evaluar las válvulas de control y su desempeño, debe entender los diferentes tipos de válvulas y lo que se puede comprobar en ellas. Para válvulas de cierre abiertas/cerradas sin control análogo las pruebas son muy sencillas.