Adapters and cables
Find the parts you need to complete your measurement jobs.
Fluke OC4USB USB Interface Cable
Safety-designed interface cable to connect the optically-isolated serial interface port of...
Fluke PAC 91 Printer Adapter Cable
Connects optical output of a Fluke test tool to a widely used parallel printer interface
Fluke PM9091/001 50 Ohm Coaxial BNC cable set (3 x 1.5m)
Each set consists of three black cables with colored BNC male connectors (red, gray and black) for...
Fluke BTL-A Voltage/Current Probe Adapter
Voltage/current probe adapter for Fluke 500 Series Battery Analyzers.
Fluke 700BCW Bar Code Wand
This Hewlett Packard HBSW-8200 Bar Code Wand reads eight common bar code symbologies.