Training Aids, Materials and Sources

Video Tapes

Electrical Measurement Safety Video

A 25-minute video from the electrical measurement experts at Fluke based on safety guidelines from the NFPA, ANSI, IEC and other safety regulators. The video dramatizes the hazards that are part of electrical measurement, and explains the procedures and precautions that help defend against such devastating dangers as arc flash and arc blast.

Includes test to help electrical professionals determine whether the test tools they are using meet today's safety standards, as well as an interview with an arc blast survivor.

Order the FREE CD, or purchase the DVD version. (Note: The order form lists the Free CD for $0.00 = no charge).

Understanding and Managing Harmonics

Understand the causes, origins and symptoms of harmonics in power systems.

Learn how to conduct a harmonics survey and use troubleshooting data to help you reduce maintenance costs and downtime.

Identify the right test tools to help you diagnose and treat harmonics problems.

Approximate running time is 30 minutes.


In the US: Call the Fluke Parts Department at 1-800-526-4731. Ask for Part Number 609096.
Outside of the US: Contact your local Fluke office for availability.

Power Quality Troubleshooting Video

This video takes the viewer through a step-by-step power quality survey in a large commercial building . The viewer will learn to:

  • Measure power quality with hand held test tools, including harmonics, transients, sags & swells, voltage balance and power factor.
  • Diagnose power quality problems by conducting a systematic power quality survey.
  • Solve commonly occurring power quality problems with the troubleshooting techniques outlined in this video. Approximate running time 27 minutes.


In the US: Call the Fluke Parts Department at 1-800-526-4731. Ask for Part Number 800919.
Outside of the US: Contact your local Fluke office for availability.


Calibration: Philosophy in Practice Second Edition

  • The only comprehensive text book on dc/lf metrology Hardbound, more than 400 pages
  • An easy to use source for the new technician or the seasoned meteorologist
  • Includes coverage on the impact of ISO 9000 and other quality standards

Network Maintenance and Troubleshooting Guide, 2nd Edition

The Book to Turn to When Network Trouble Arises

Network Maintenance and Troubleshooting Guide is a 576 page book written as a reference for networking professionals as well as an educational text for students, network technicians, and administrators at all levels interested in learning more about network operation. It addresses everything from the theory of operation for various OSI Layers and technologies operating at each layer, to areas of how to anticipate and prevent problems, methods for troubleshooting and solving problems, and how to create and maintain a "healthy" network. Available from

Other Sources

Fluke works closely with other training organizations that provide information that is useful to users of Fluke products.

American Technical Publishers, Inc.

Digital Multimeter Principles - This complete training program includes several components for technicians and instructors, including two videos, a comprehensive text book, and an instructor's resource guide with instructional outline, activities and worksheets. These items may be purchased separately from ATP.

Digital Multimeter Principles Online Training Program

Joliet Junior College and American Technical Publishers, Inc. have jointly developed this self-paced, Internet-supported, DMM training program to provide training to technicians in the safe, effective, and skilled use of hand-held digital multimeters in the industrial setting.

All major DMM topics are covered. The course kit includes a multimedia CD-ROM, an electrical components test kit, and a DMM Principles text and workbook. Knowledge skills testing, instructor communications, and other DMM study materials are accessed through the course's learning management website. All course materials are recognized as "Fluke Authorized Training Material."

National Technology Transfer Fluke 123 ScopeMeter Training:

1. A.C. and D.C. Variable Speed Drive Technology

  • Learn how to use A.C. and D.C. variable Speed Drive technology to:
  • Control Process Speed
  • Reduce Energy Consumption
  • Reduce Equipment Maintenance Costs

2. Introduction to Industrial Electronics

A broad exposure to the field of Industrial Electronics in general and specific exposure to the latest in Maintenance and Troubleshooting methodology.