1586-2588-KIT/C |DAQ-STAQ Multiplexer, Adapter Card, Interface Cable, Accredited Calibration

Produktübersicht: 1586-2588-KIT/C |DAQ-STAQ Multiplexer, Adapter Card, Interface Cable, Accredited Calibration

The kit contains everything you need to connect a DAQ-STAQ multiplexer to your 1586A mainframe. The DAQ-STAQ is designed for high-accuracy measurements in secondary temperature calibration labs. Easily connect/disconnect thermocouples, PRTs and thermistors. There are twenty mini-jack thermocouple inputs and gold-plated PRT/thermistor connectors for up to 10 4-wire connections.


  • 1586-2588 DAQ-STAQ Multiplexer
  • Adapter Card
  • Interface Cable
  • Accredited Calibration

Technische Daten: 1586-2588-KIT/C |DAQ-STAQ Multiplexer, Adapter Card, Interface Cable, Accredited Calibration


Maximum Input

50 V

Offset Voltage

<2 μV

3-Wire Internal Resistance Mismatch 

<50 mΩ

Basic CJC Accuracy 

0.25 °C

Modelle: 1586-2588-KIT/C |DAQ-STAQ Multiplexer, Adapter Card, Interface Cable, Accredited Calibration


DAQ-STAQ Multiplexer, Adapter Card, Interface Cable, Accredited Calibration


Handbücher und Ressourcen: 1586-2588-KIT/C |DAQ-STAQ Multiplexer, Adapter Card, Interface Cable, Accredited Calibration