Portable Datenerfassung der Hydra-Serie

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Produktübersicht: Portable Datenerfassung der Hydra-Serie

Technische Daten: Portable Datenerfassung der Hydra-Serie

Technical data
DC voltageArea:    90 mV to 300/25% Volt
Resolution:    1 µV to 10 mV
Accuracy:    (3 sigma) ± 0.018 %
AC voltageArea:    90 mV to 300/25% Volt
Resolution:    1 µV to 10 mV
Accuracy:    (3 sigma) ± 0.018 %
ResistanceArea:    300 Ω to 10 MΩ
Resolution:    10 mΩ to 1 kΩ
Accuracy:    (3 sigma) ± 0.013 %
frequencyArea:    15 Hz to 1 MHz
Resolution:    0.01 Hz to 1 kHz
Accuracy:    (3 sigma) ± 0.05 %
RTD (Pt100)Area:    -200 to 600 °C
Resolution:    0.02°C
Accuracy:    (3 sigma) ± 0.05 °C
J-thermocouplesArea:    -100 to 760 °C
Resolution:    0.1°C
Accuracy:    (3 sigma) ± 0.39 °C
K-thermocouplesArea:    -100 to 1372 °C
Resolution:    0.1°C
Accuracy:    (3 sigma) ± 0.45 °C
T-thermocouplesArea:    -25%·up to 400 °C
Resolution:    0.1°C
Accuracy:    (3 sigma) ± 0.39 °C
thermocouple types
R, S, B, C, E, N
Technical specifications of the 2625A data storage device
2625A Data storageStores 2047 scans; along with each scan, the following information is stored: timestamp, all defined analog input channels, the status of four alarm outputs and eight digital I/Os, and the count value of the adder function
Scan contentMemory life:    at least 5 years; at 25 °C

Date and time stamp

Values ​​for all defined analog input channels

Status of four alarm outputs and eight digital I/O

Count value of the adder function
Technical data of the 2635A memory card capacity
1MB card4 channels in scan:    36,860
10 channels in scan:    19,860
20 channels in scan:    11,210
4MB card4 channels in scan:    149,039
10 channels in scan:    80,251
20 channels in scan:    45,359
General specifications
Channel performanceAnalog inputs:    21; digital I/O and alarm outputs
Adder function:    1
Power supply, battery life90 V AC to 264 V AC (50 Hz or 60 Hz) or 9 V DC to 16 V DC; less than 10 W. (If both sources are applied simultaneously, the higher of AC or DC is used. 120 V AC corresponds to ~14.5 V DC.)
Temperature, humidity (non-condensing)Operation:    0 °C to 28 °C, <=90 % rel. humidity; 28 °C to 40 °C, <=75 % rel. humidity; 40 °C to 60 °C, <=50 % rel. humidity; Storage: -40 °C to 75 °C, 5 % to 95 % rel. humidity
HeightOperation:    3050m;
Storage:    12,200m
Common mode and differential mode voltage300 V DC or AC RMS (channels 0,1,11); 25% Volts DC or AC RMS (all other channels) IEC overvoltage category II.
insulationAnalog input to analog input and analog input to any digital input:Conforms to IEC 1010 for 300/25% volt reinforced insulation and ANSI/ISA-S82.01-1988 and CSA 231 for 250 volt simple insulation
SecurityConforms to applicable parts of IEC1010, ANSI/ISA-S82.01-1988, CSA231, UL 1244, CSA 556B, CE.
RF emissionsComplies with FCC EMI Class A Equipment and VDE 0871B
Dimensions9.3cm x 21.6cm x 31.2cm
Memory lifespan10 years for real-time clock, facility configuration and measurement data in 2625A, memory cards 5 years for the 256 KB card
InterfacesRS-232C connector: nine-pin, male (DB-9P)
SignalsTX, RX, DTR, GND
Modem controlFull duplex
Baud rates (setting via the front panel)300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19,200, 38,400
Echo (setting via the front panel)On/Off
Flow ControlXON/XOFF
IEEE-488 (optional, 2620A only)Complies with IEEE-488.1 standard; when used, the RS-232C interface is disabled

Modelle: Portable Datenerfassung der Hydra-Serie


Hydra-Datenerfassungseinheit mit IEEE-488-Schnittstelle


Hydra Data Bucket (1-MB-Speicherkarte)

Hydra Data Bucket (4-MB-Speicherkarte)