What is the accuracy/uncertainty of the device to be tested?

The first step to selecting the right pressure calibration product is to understand the specifications of the device under test (DUT). Following is a summary of which products are used to calibrate different categories of DUTs, based on total one-year measurement uncertainty specifications (assumes a 4:1 test uncertainty ratio is desired).

Total uncertainty specification of the device to be testedCalibration standards typically used for this applicationTypical total 1-yr uncertainty of reference standard
±0.08% and greater
Pressure measurement devices: gauges, sensors…
Fluke handheld process calibration tools0.025% to 0.25%
PPC4E wide-range gas pressure controller/calibrator0.02%
E-DWT hydraulic electronic deadweight tester0.02%
±0.03% to 0.075%
Medium performance sensors and calibration transfer standards
PPC and 7000 pressure controller/calibrators0.008% to 0.015%
RPM and 7050 reference pressure monitors0.008% to 0.015%
P3000 deadweight testers and M3800 deadweight testers0.008% to 0.015%
NOTE:  These models are also often used for calibration of the pressure measurement devices listed above
±0.025% and less
High performance sensors and calibration standards
PG7000, FPG8601, and 2400 piston gauges<0.001% to 0.01%
NOTE:  These models are also often used for calibration of the pressure measurement devices and calibration standards listed above
