Thermocouple Application Note Series

Thermocouples are broadly used in many industrial and scientific applications. But it can be a bit tricky to understand how they work and how to calibrate them.

We've developed a new thermocouple application note series  designed to help you learn what you need to know. The series covers how thermocouples work, choosing calibration equipment, calculating uncertainties, and how to calibrate thermocouples.

9118A Thermocouple Calibration Furnace

The 9118A furnace is a great solution for comparison calibration of noble and base-metal thermocouples.

Learn more about the 9118A Thermocouple Calibration Furnace 

If you would like to request a price quote on a 9118A or any Fluke Calibration product, you can do that here:

Request a quote

Application Notes
Thermocouple Fundamentals 
What is a thermocouple? How does a thermocouple work? Why do thermocouples need to be calibrated?
How to Select Thermocouple Calibration Equipment
Learn about the characteristics of thermocouples as compared with thermistors and PRTs. You will also learn what equipment is required to calibrate a thermocouple, and how to select the best solution for your application.
Calculating Uncertainties in a Thermocouple Calibration System
Learn how to calculate uncertainties when calibrating a thermocouple. 
How to Calibrate a Thermocouple
Learn how to set up a thermocouple calibration, place the probe, and collect data. You'll also learn about the benefits of automating the calibration and look at two calibration options (tolerance testing and characterization of thermocouples).
