How to avoid contamination in pressure calibration

Continuing our series on curated collections of our free online learning resources, this collection covers information related to contamination during pressure calibration.

How to avoid contamination in pressure calibration

Video: 6270A Contamination Prevention System

If you calibrate devices that contain water, oil, or gas, you could have problems if the wrong substance – or even something like grit – gets into your system. The optional Contamination Prevention System (CPS) helps keep the 2271A Industrial Pressure Calibrator, the 6270A Modular Pressure Controller/Calibrator and the 8270A/8370A High Pressure Controller/Calibrator free from contamination.

This video demonstrates the Contamination Prevention System so you can see how it works.

How to avoid contamination in pressure calibration

Blog: Contamination: is this hidden hazard threatening your pressure lab?

This blog post explains some of the ways contamination can be introduced into a pressure calibration system and what can happen as a result. It also explains various methods of preventing contamination, including self-purging liquid trap, separator, vacuum pump equipped with auto vent valve, and filters.

Blog: Mixing fluids in a high-pressure calibration without fear of contamination

What happens if your pressure calibrator and your device under test (DUT) operate with different media (for example, nitrogen gas and oil)? Or if contamination is transferred through the medium? The answer: potential damage to your devices, skewed calibrations, flawed processes. This post provides some tips to help avoid problems like these.

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