
Ingen søkeresultater:
Found 89 results containing the words:product
  • Fluke ii905 akustisk kamera

    Detekter, visualiser og vurder lekkasjer i trykkluft-, gass- og vakuumanlegg.

  • Fluke ii500 akustisk kamera

    Detekter, lokaliser og visualiser lekkasjer i trykkluft-, gass- og vakuumanlegg

  • Fluke 700HPPK/700HPM Recall

    Dear Customer, Thank you for registering your product(s) as part of our product safety recall of your Fluke 700HPPK/700HPM. We will soon be sending you a cable replacement to correct your Recalled Cable(s). A Fluke representative may contact you shortly if more information is needed. Please accept our most sincere apologies for any inconvenience caused by this action and should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. https://www.fluke.com/en-us/support/technical-support

  • Seasonal promotion 2024

    .super-custom html { font-family: sans-serif; -ms-text-size-adjust: 100%; -webkit-text-size-adjust: 100%; font-size: 10px; -webkit-tap-highlight-color: transparent } .super-custom body { font-family: "Helvetica Neue",Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif;font-size:14px;line-height:1.42857143;color:#333;background-color:#fff;margin:0}.super-custom article, .super-custom aside, .super-custom details, .super-custom figcaption, .super-custom figure, .super-custom footer, .super-custom header, .super-custom hgroup,...

  • Fastvareoppdatering for Fluke 1663/1664FC: 6 mA RDC-DD-testing for ladestasjoner

    Ny fastvareoppdatering for Fluke 1663 og 1664FC installasjonstestere, som introduserer 6 mA RDC-DD testfunksjonalitet for ladestasjoner.  Viktig merknad: Les følgende instruksjoner nøye før du fortsetter med oppdateringen. Kontroller at Fluke-testeren din er enten en modell 1663 eller 1664FC. Denne fastvareoppdateringen gjelder ikke for Fluke 1662 eller tidligere installasjonstestermoduler.  Kontroller gjeldende fastvareversjon for Fluke-testeren din ved å følge disse trinnene:  Slå på...

  • De fire viktigste egenskapene for brukervennlige solkraftinstrument: Hvorfor er det så viktig å finne et brukervennlig solkraftinstrument?

    Det raskt voksende solkraftmarkedet forventes å tredobles i løpet av de neste fem årene, og er fullpakket med karrieremuligheter for teknikere, prosjektledere, elektrikere og mange andre fagfolk. Derfor hører vi alltid på innspill fra erfarne fagfolk og teknikere når vi designer Flukes solkraftinstrumenter. Deres innsikt bidrar til å sikre at Fluke-instrumenter blir utformet med uunnværlige egenskaper som gjør innføringen enkel og gir en smidig arbeidsflyt som vil hjelpe arbeidsstyrken...

  • Fluke 1773, 1775 and 1777 Power Quality Analyzers Software and Firmware

    Fluke Energy Analyze PlusFluke Energy Analyze Plus application software for download, analysis and reporting. Used with Fluke 1730, 1732, 1734, 1736, 1738, 1742, 1746, 1748, 1773, 1775 and 1777.Fluke 177x v3.1 Firmware File (.bin)To update instruments running firmware revision 2.0 or earlier, create a directory titled ‘Fluke177x’ on a USB stick and copy the firmware binary to that directory location.The USB stick must be exFAT or FAT32 formatted, and the above-mentioned directory must be located...

  • Fluke Premium Care – servicebonnementer

    Fluke Premium care is a paid support program featuring priority technical support, repair and accessories replacement as well as annual calibration and performance checks.

  • Fluke C37XT beskyttende instrumentkoffert av EVA-skum

    slitesterk koffert av EVA-skum, med skillevegg, for frakt av de fleste multimetre

  • Fluke C11XT beskyttende instrumentkoffert av EVA-skum

    koffert av slitesterkt EVA-skum, med lommer med plass til de fleste mindre multimetre og tilbehør

  • Trygg åpning av isolasjonsbrytere klassifisert for avlastet utstyr i solcelleanlegg

    Finn ut mer om krav til isolasjonsbrytere for avlastet utstyr i solcelleanlegg, som er designet for ikke å bryte strøm.

  • Fluke 190 serie III ScopeMeter® testinstrumenter

    I ScopeMeter testinstrumenter kombineres robust mobilitet med benkoscilloskops høye ytelse.

  • Fluke 1770-serien trefase nettkvalitetsanalysatorer

    Eliminate the complexities of three-phase power quality logging, troubleshooting, and analysis.

  • Feiring av verdens ingeniørdag 2021

    Verdens ingeniørdag feires 4. mars hvert år. Denne årlige, internasjonale feiringen fremhever gode ingeniørprestasjoner. Ingeniørarbeid spiller en ledende rolle i kulturen vår, fra oppfinnelsen av hjulet og helt frem til MER-robotene på Mars. Dette er grunnen til at verdens ingeniørdag går lenger enn å feire de teknologiske fremskrittene og innsikten ingeniørarbeid har gitt livene våre i dag. Dagen er også ment å fremme ingeniørarbeid som karriere, og å inspirere oss til å endre...

  • Fra ultrasoniske lekkasjedetektorer til deteksjon av luftlekkasjer med akustisk bildediagnostikk

    Slik bidro overgangen fra ultrasoniske lekkasjedetektorer til visuell deteksjon av luftlekkasjer med ii900 sonisk lekkasjekamera, til økt avkastning og maksimert kapasitet

  • Bruk av programvaren Fluke Connect™ sammen med Fluke 377 FC og Fluke 378 FC FieldSense™-strømtenger

    Med Fluke Connect-programmet på strømtengene 377 FC og 378 FC kan du registrere, analysere og dele resultater med andre. Se datatrender for å planlegge forebyggende vedlikehold.

  • 14 måter skjulte luftlekkasjer forårsaker skade på utstyr på

    Slik kan luftlekkasjedetektoren ii900 Acoustic Imager hjelpe deg å finne luftlekkasje og grunnårsaken til problemer med utstyr og forhindre kostbar driftsstans.

  • Topp 5 instrumenter for elektrisk feilsøking et hvert lite team trenger

    Liste med topp 5 grunnleggende industrielle elektriske feilsøkingsinstrumenter for selskaper uten vedlikeholdsingeniører og overordnede elektrikere.

  • Fluke ii910 akustisk presisjonskamera

    Finn potensielle mekaniske problemer i transportbånd samt delutladninger i strømnett.

  • Fluke 110 True-rms Digital Multimeter

    Compact True-RMS meter with large white LED backlight.

  • Fluke ISO Accreditation Certificates and QMS Documents

    At Fluke, our commitment to quality is the foundation of our success. We are dedicated to delivering products and services that meet or exceed the highest quality standards in the industry, as defined by ISO requirements, customer expectations, and our own corporate values. Our practices reflect our commitment to customer satisfaction, continuous improvement, and the pursuit of excellence across our operations worldwide.Fluke Corporate Quality Manuals and PoliciesQuality ManualsFluke Corporate Quality...

  • Hva er sann RMS?

    Måleinstrumenter som viser sann RMS (effektivverdier) er allment foretrukket fordi bare de kan måle både sinusformet og ikke-sinusformet vekselstrøm nøyaktig.

  • Beste verktøy for energiøkonomisering

    Make energy efficiency a part of your preventive maintenance plan to make a positive impact on your bottom line, improve plant performance, and maintain uptime.

  • Fluke T6-1000 Electrical Tester plus insulated hand tools starter kit

    Get the best-selling Fluke T6-1000 Electrical Tester with the insulated hand tools starter kit of 8 tools. Includes 5 insulated screwdrivers and 3 insulated pliers. Lifetime warranty.

  • Fluke Pack30 tool backpack + insulated hand tools starter kit

    Choose the Fluke Pack30 electrician tool backpack + insulated tools starter kit. Comes with 5 insulated screwdrivers and 3 insulated pliers. Lifetime warranty.

  • Safety notice and recall for the Fluke 1AC-I VoltAlert™ Voltage Tester

    .custom-tables-6021 { border-collapse: collapse; border: 1px solid #000; } .custom-tables-6021 th { border: 1px solid #000; background-color: #ccc; } .custom-tables-6021 td { border: 1px solid #000; } Dear Fluke customer: In cooperation with the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, Fluke is voluntarily recalling its Fluke 1AC-I VoltAlert™ voltage tester, a product that was first released for sale on September 29, 2009. The affected model number is listed in the table below. If you own a Fluke...

  • Bruk av termokameraer til inspeksjon av elektriske anlegg

    Termokameraer gjør det mulig å se varmekarakteristikker forbundet med høy elektrisk resistans lenge før kretsen blir varm nok til å forårsake strømbrudd eller eksplosjon.

  • De fem viktigste målepunktene for vurdering av motordrifters virkningsgrad og ytelse

    Motorstyring er en mye brukt teknologi for å konvertere den konstante nettspenningen til en variabel spenning, for å regulere motorers dreiemoment og hastighet. Dette er velegnet for motorer som driver mekaniske laster.

  • Travel heiselektroniker sparer tid med ny Fluke motordriftanalysator

    Fluke MDA-550 motordriftanalysator har oversiktlige skjemaer for riktig oppsett, forhåndsdefinerte testprosedyrer og trinnvise instruksjoner for å spare tid og strømlinjeforme feilsøking av heismotordrivverk.

  • Måling av spenningsutladninger på motorakselen med Fluke MDA-550 motordriftanalysator

    Denne brukertipsartikkelen forklarer hvordan du bruker MDA-550 motordriftanalysator og en akselspenningsprobe til å måle spenningsutladninger på motorakselen.

  • Fluke 481 Radiation Detection Meter

    The Fluke 481 is a portable and practical means for identifying irradiated goods, and for helping remediate contamination and safety issues while minimally impacting operations.

  • Fluke Ti300 PRO termokamera

    Profesjonelt 240 x 180 termokamera. Det smarteste og mest intuitive brukergrensesnittet. Økt termisk følsomhet for å fange opp ørsmå forskjeller. Den nyeste teknologien for tydelig skjerm

  • Fluke Norway Nettstedskart

    200506 - pf test

  • Fluke 787B ProcessMeter™

    digitalt multimeter og mA-sløyfekalibrator i ett instrument

  • Flukes samarbeidsprogram for opplæring

    Fluke Educator Partnership Program Sign up for the Educator's Partnership Program and receive a 25% discount for products and materials and be eligible for Fluke grants!* We've teamed up with colleges, trade technical and vocational schools, and apprenticeship programs to bring the latest application information and tools into the classroom. Receive FREE materials PowerPoint presentations Application notes and case studies CDs, DVDs & Posters Free Shipping Equip your labs and help your students...

  • Fluke SM100, SM200 and SM300 Electrical Socket Testers Voluntary Recall

    Fluke Corporation has identified a safety issue concerning the Fluke SM100, SM200 and SM300 Electrical Socket Testers. As a precautionary measure, Fluke has decided to voluntarily recall all of these products and provide affected customers with free replacement products.

  • Fluke RSE600 stasjonært termokamera

    Et høytytende termokamera med oppløsning 640 x 480, perfekt til strømming og analyse av termiske data, med programtillegg for MATLAB® og LabVIEW®.

  • Fluke RSE300 stasjonært termokamera

    Et høytytende termokamera med oppløsning 320 x 240, perfekt til strømming og analyse av termiske data, med programtillegg for MATLAB® og LabVIEW®.

  • 9190A-X-P Ultra-Cool Field Metrology Well

    The Fluke 9190A Ultra-Cool Field Metrology Well is the most accurate and stable, cold temperature dry-block on the market.

  • FlukeView® for ScopeMeter® Test Tools

      For use with Fluke 120B Series or 190 Series III ScopeMeter® Test Tools, and MDA-510 and MDA-550 Motor Drive Analyzers. Application software for download, analysis and reporting. This is a demo version with limited functionality. The full version can be obtained with activation key that is available as an option. 64bit OS: FlukeView-2 for ScopeMeter® Test Tools version 3.2.0 (.exe) » 32bit OS: FlukeView-2 for ScopeMeter® Test Tools version 3.2.0 (.exe) » For a list of improvements associated...

  • DMS Software Downloads

    NOTICE: Fluke DMS Software Version 1.8 and lower currently utilizes Microsoft Access Runtime 2010. As of October 13, 2020 Microsoft will no longer support Office 2010 products with security updates. While your DMS Software Version 1.8 and lower will continue to function, you could be exposing yourself to serious and potentially harmful security risks. We recommend that you upgrade your DMS Software to Version 1.9 or higher. Versions 1.9 and higher utilize an updated version of Microsoft Access 32-Bit...

  • Hart 5610, 5611A, 5611T, 5665 Secondary Reference Thermistor Probes

    These temperature probes are available in a variety of sheath materials appropriate for your specific application. In addition to our metal-sheathed temperature probes, we offer flexible PTFE encapsulated and silicone coated thermistors that have smaller tips and can measure those places where even a metal-sheathed thermistor can't reach.

  • Hart 5947 Mini Metal-Cased Aluminum Cell

    If cuteness were reason enough to buy a product, Hart’s Mini Fixed-Point Cells would win you over easily.

  • 25-mikrons infrarød-makrosmartlinse

    25-mikrons infrarød-makrosmartlinse fra Fluke for TiX560 og TiX520 – ideell for FoU og elektronikkdesign og -validering – se termiske mønstre på svært små objekter.

  • Fluke Charged Ideas FAQ

    Q: What is involved in the submission process?   A: Fluke Corporation will need two forms completed in order to review your submission Agreement to the legal terms and conditions. Attached materials detailing your idea. Q: What kinds of information should I include in a submission?   A: The attachments should include any valuable information for our product planning team. By explaining how your idea works, what scenario the product is used in and how it is of value, you will help...

  • Personvern

    Det er viktig for Fluke å overholde kundens rett til personvern. Når du registrerer deg på vårt Web-område, vil Fluke be deg om navn, organisasjon, e-postadresse og annen informasjon. Vi bruker denne informasjonen til å håndtere bestillinger av litteratur, samt til å holde oversikt over hvilke emner våre lesere er interessert i.

  • Fluke Calibration 9144 Metrology Well

    The 9144 Series Field Metrology Wells extend high performance to the industrial process environment by maximizing portability, speed, and functionality with little compromise to metrology performance.

  • Fluke Calibration 9143 Field Metrology Well

    The 9143 Series Field Metrology Wells extend high performance to the industrial process environment by maximizing portability, speed, and functionality with little compromise to metrology performance.

  • Kataloger

    Fluke Industrial produkterTestverktøykatalogKatalogen inneholder fullstendige beskrivelser av funksjoner og spesifikasjoner for Flukes komplette utvalg av testverktøy. Du finner kapitler om håndholdte digitale multimetre, vanlige elektriske testere, ScopeMeter, installasjonstestere, kalibreringsverktøy for feltbruk, nettkvalitetsverktøy, strømtenger, digitale termometre, Infrarøde kameraer, Isolasjonstestere, verktøy for måling av innendørs luftkvalitet, Ex-testverktøy og tilbehør.Last...

  • Fluke 116/323 HVAC Combo Kit - Includes Multimeter and Clamp Meter

    Combine the power of Fluke's 116 HVAC Multimeter with a Fluke 323 clamp meter for productive and effective troubleshooting.

  • Fluke 116/62 MAX+ Technician’s Combo Kit

    Combine the power of Fluke's 116 HVAC Multimeter with a Fluke 62 MAX+ infrared thermometer for productive and effective troubleshooting.

  • Fluke DMS Software

    The FLUKE DMS (data management software) is an efficient software for data recording and administration of test results for electrical installation or portable appliance testing.

  • Fluke 117 and 323 Electrician’s Multimeter Combo Kit

    This Electrician’s combo kit includes the new Fluke 117 Digital Multimeter with a Fluke 323 clamp meter for productive and effective troubleshooting.

  • Fluke Calibration 9142 Field Metrology Well

    The 9142 Series Field Metrology Wells extend high performance to the industrial process environment by maximizing portability, speed, and functionality with little compromise to metrology performance.

  • Flukes termokamera TiX500

    Enkel navigasjon rundt objekter som er vanskelige å nå, med bransjens eneste 320 x 240 termokamera med en 5,7-tommers LCD berøringsskjerm og et objektiv som kan dreies hele 240°.

  • Fluke Calibration 1502A/1504 Thermometer Readout

    The 1502A and 1504 reference thermometers will read RTDs, PRDs, and thermistor sensors. Primary temperature standards, secondary temperature standards, fixed-point cells, water triple points, SPRTs, calibration baths, dry-block calibrators and temperature metrology training can also be found on this site.

  • Fluke Calibration 6102/7102/7103 Micro-Bath

    Hart Scientific manufactures these Micro-Baths for calibration of thermometers and sensors that do not fit in block calibrators.

  • Fluke 724 temperaturkalibrator

    Test og kalibrer termoelementer og motstandstermometre (RTD-er).

  • Fluke Calibration 1620A Precision Thermo-Hygrometer

    The DewK measures temperature to ±0.125 °C and humidity to ±1.5% on two channels, and displays it on a big, clear screen.

  • Fluke 500-serien batterianalysatorer

    Fluke 500-serien batterianalysatorer

  • Fluke Ti450 termokamera

    Fluke Ti450 termokamera med MultiSharp™ Focus gir deg fokus både på lange og korte avstander, i samme bilde. Slutt å bekymre deg om fokus – bare sikt og knips.

  • Fluke 51 II håndholdt digitalt probetermometerfluke-51-ii

    Fluke 51 II digitalt termometer med én inngang gir deg rask respons og laboratorienøyaktighet (0,05 % + 0,3 °C) i et robust, håndholdt testinstrument.

  • Fluke Connect® Frequently Asked Questions

    General   Q: How much does the app cost? The app is available for free download. Users can store up to 5 GB of data and measurements created from the tools listed below at no cost. There are multiple options for purchasing subscriptions of Fluke Connect® Assets. Apple Store (iTunes) – One 12 month license subscription costs £159.99 Google Play – One 6 month subscription costs £79.99 You may also purchase both single and multiple licenses at once for your team. You can get 5-license...

  • Servicekontakter

    Norway | Representative   Kiwa Teknologisk Institutt Fluke Service Kabelgaten 2 0580 Oslo Norway Phone: (+47) 982 27 848 Email: inm.instrument@teknologisk.no Austria | Representative   Analog & Digital Messtechnik GesmbH Südrandstraße 15 P.O. Box 16 A 1232 Vienna Austria +43-1-6175-3200 +43-1-61753-2010 (telefax) mayrhofer@aandd.at Europascal GmbH (Pressure/Flow Calibration Products) An der Wiesenhecke 10 Hanau D-63456 Germany +49 61 81 42 309 0 service@europascal.de Belgium...

  • Traceable Certificate of Calibration

    Product Calibrations Receive your new Fluke tool ready to go to work, out of the box with a traceable calibration certificate. If you work in an ISO 9000, FDA regulated, government contracting, or one of the many other companies that require traceability in measurement processes, let us help you save time. Order your new Fluke Digital Multimeter, ScopeMeter® Test Tool, Power Quality Analyzer, or other Fluke tool with the calibration you need for your work place. Don't waste time sending your new...

  • Volt Alert FAQ

    Q. How can I determine if my VoltAlert is being recalled?   A. To properly identify your 1AC-I tester as a recalled product, look for the four product characteristics below: Q: Why is Fluke recalling this product?   A: Fluke is voluntarily recalling its Fluke 1AC-I VoltAlert® voltage tester because the voltage indicator red light can fail to illuminate, which can mislead a user to believe there is no voltage in the circuit that is being measured. This can result in serious injury...

  • Kalibreringstjenester

    CalNet®: The European Specialist in Calibration Fluke has its own calibrations laboratories in the United Kingdom, The Netherlands and Germany, and authorized service partners in most of the other countries in Europe. All These calibration laboratories work together as a single calibration network: CalNet. CalNet can issue the calibration certificates you need to meet ISO 9000 standards. CalNet guarantees traceability and access to the best calibration facilities the network can offer. Because of...

  • Bedriftsprofil

    Updated CIO RT 11/3/2020

  • Intern Frequently Asked Questions

    Q: What type of interns do you hire?   A: We look for electrical, software, mechanical and industrial engineers. We also have opportunities available for business students in accounting, marketing and operations management disciplines. Q: What can I expect from my internship?   A: You can expect to accept a challenging opportunity that will stretch you to your limits. We design our internship opportunities to be technically challenging and rewarding. You will be working closely...

  • Fluke Replacement Parts

    Availability of replacement parts is a key element in providing quick turnaround and product support for customers who perform their own maintenance. By providing quality parts we will help return your Fluke products to peak performance. All replacement parts are warranted against defects in materials and workmanship for 90 days after shipment. Our replacement parts meet Fluke original equipment standards. Place your orders in the U.S. by calling (1-800-526-4731). Outside the US, replacement parts...

  • Fluke 481 DESI Ion Chamber Survey Meter

    The Fluke 481 Radiation Detection Meter is a portable and practical means for discovering irradiated goods, and for helping remediate contaminant and safety issues while minimally affecting performances.

  • Fluke T5-600 Elektrisk tester

    Med Fluke T5 elektriske testere kan du kontrollere spenning, kontinuitet og strøm med ett kompakt verktøy.

  • Fluke 743/744 Documenting Software - DPC/TRACK

    Manage your instruments and your calibration data with this easy-to-use instrumentation management database.

  • 2 x infrarød-telesmartlinse

    Fluke 2 x-IR-telesmartlinse for TiX580, TiX501, Ti480 PRO, Ti401 PRO – ideell for vedlikehold, elektrisitet, prosesser og annet utstyr sett på avstand.

  • 4 x-infrarød-telesmartlinse

    4 x-IR-telesmartlinse fra Fluke for TiX580, TiX501, Ti480 PRO, Ti401 PRO – ideell innen petrokjemi, e-verk og metallraffinering.

  • Fluke 1587/ET Advanced Electrical Troubleshooting Kit

    Maintain the uptime of electrical equipment with this troubleshooting and preventative maintenance kit; including IR Thermometer, Current Clamp and Insulation Mulitimeter.

  • Fluke 1625-2 GEO Earth Ground Tester

    The Fluke 1623-2 and 1625-2 GEO Earth Ground Testers offer data storage and download capabilities via USB port. World class accessories will simplify and speed up testing time.

  • Why clean power is critical to smooth operations

    When optimizing productivity in industry, energy use is one of the few inputs you can readily control.

  • Bruk av kontaktfrie instrumenter for å holde seg trygg

    Kontaktfrie instrumenter øker elsikkerheten ved å holde arbeidere trygge; infrarødt (IR), laseravstand, spenningsdetektor, ekstern skjerm, trådløst.

  • Fluke 75X Version 1.03 Firmware Upgrade

    Applies only to Firmware Version 1.00, 1.01 and 1.02 To upgrade your 75X to the latest firmware, follow these simple instructions: Download Fluke?75X Version 1.03 firmware upgrade and save the firmware upgrade file. Ensure your Fluke 75x is connected to your Windows PC computer via USB cable and using the battery charger for power. Run the file and follow the instructions for doing the update. Do not turn off the PC or the 75x while the update is in progress. Once the update is complete, cycle the...

  • Fluke Norma Upgrade 4000/5000 Software

    Some Norma 4000 and 5000 instruments require attention due to a calibration error of the external probe (EXT.Shunt- BNC) inputs of instruments caused by incorrect data being written into the instrument at production. This error only affects the current probe inputs of the instruments in the 100mV range and only specific serial numbers (you will have been contacted by Fluke if this affects you). Please follow the steps below to fix the calibration data for all customers if you have been contacted...

  • FlukeView® for ScopeMeter® Test Tools Updates and Demo Software Download

    Upgrade to FlukeView version 5.4 (.exe)   Application software for download, analysis and reporting. Used with Fluke 190 Series II, Fluke 120 Series, Fluke 19xB/C Series and Fluke 2x5C Series. This is a demo version with limited functionality. The full version can be obtained with activation key that is available as an option. Release notes: Relative to the previous version the following changes have been implemented: Support for increased amount of memory locations in newer Fluke-104 and Fluke-204...

  • Fluke 75X Version 1.13 Firmware Upgrade

    Applies only to Firmware Version 1.10 and 1.11 To upgrade your 75X to the latest firmware, follow these simple instructions: Download Fluke?75X Version 1.13 firmware upgrade and save the firmware upgrade file. Ensure your Fluke 75x is connected to your Windows PC computer via USB cable and using the battery charger for power. Run the file and follow the instructions for doing the update. Do not turn off the PC or the 75x while the update is in progress. Once the update is complete, cycle the 75x...
