Fluke FVF-SC2 FlukeView Forms Software with Cable

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제품 개요: Fluke FVF-SC2 FlukeView Forms Software with Cable

Expand the power of the world's most rugged, accurate handheld test tools with FlukeView® Forms Documenting Software.

To address the increasing demands for reporting and documentation, Fluke presents FlukeView Forms documenting software. FlukeView Forms increases the power of your Fluke tool by enabling you to document, store and analyze individual readings or series of measurements, then convert them into professional-looking documents.

Several versions of the product are available, depending upon the type of cable needed to download data from your instrument and depending upon the data reporting capability you need. FlukeView Forms offers two levels of capability: FlukeView Forms Basic, and FlukeView Forms plus Designer. FlukeView Forms Basic can be used alone to download measurement data and create reports that can be saved and printed. FlukeView Forms plus Designer allows a user to edit an existing form or create a new form to customize the report to individual needs. A common edit might add a company logo and title. See the [Features] tab on this page for more information

제품 사양: Fluke FVF-SC2 FlukeView Forms Software with Cable

Operating system for FlukeView FormsWindows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Vista or Windows 7
Minimum PC HardwarePentium class or better microprocessor
70 MB hard disk space (100 MB to install)
Serial or USB port
Administrator Privileges required to install software on Windows 2000, XP, or Windows Vista
Mechanical and General Specifications
Size203 x 100 x 50 mm
Weight545 g

모델: Fluke FVF-SC2 FlukeView Forms Software with Cable

케이블 포함 FlukeView® Forms 소프트웨어 (280 시리즈, 53-II B, 54-II B, 180 Series, 789, 1550B 및 1653B)

• FlukeView Forms을 위한 CD
• 합성수지 적외선 어댑터 (측정기/PC간 연결 지원)
• PC 대 계측기 IR-USB 케이블
• 사용자 설명서
• 등록카드
• 소프트웨어 라이센스계약
• IR-USB 케이블을 위한 설치설명서