290 Series Waveform Generators

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Tuotekatsaus: 290 Series Waveform Generators

These universal waveform generators combine many generators in one instrument. Their extensive signal simulation capabilities include arbitrary waveforms, function generator, pulse/pulse train generator, sweep generator, trigger generator, tone generator, and amplitude modulation source.

The 290 series uses Direct Digital Synthesis techniques as well as variable clock sampling technology to provide a fully featured programmable function and arbitrary waveform capability.

The 291, 292 and 294 are 100 MS/s arbitrary waveform generators designed to handle real world requirements by test experts. These models can easily simulate complex signals while being easy to use, compact and affordable. On multi-channel units each channel can be operated fully independently, or multiple channels can be linked using simple or complex relationships.

Waveform Manager Plus software provides all the features needed for creation, manipulation and management of arbitrary waveforms within a single Windows based program.

Tekniset tiedot: 290 Series Waveform Generators

Arbitrary Waveforms
WaveformsThe maximum arbitrary waveform size is 1 M points. Up to 500 user-defined waveforms may be stored on the removable memory card. Arbitrary waveforms can be defined by front panel editing controls, by downloading of waveform data via RS-232,USB or GPIB, or by writing directly to the removable memory card using the USB card reader/writer connected to a PC.
Waveform memory1 M points. Minimum waveform size is 8 points.
Vertical resolution12 bits
Sample clock range100 mHz to 100 MHz
Resolution4 digits
Accuracy± 1 digit of setting
Output filterSelectable between 40 MHz Elliptic, 20 MHz Bessel or none
SequenceUp to 1024 waveforms may be linked. Each waveform can have a loop count of up to 32,768. A sequence of waveforms can be looped up to 1,048,575 times or run continuously.
Noise functionDigital noise generated by a 35-bit linear feedback register clocked at 100 MHz. User’s external filter defines bandwidth and response
Standard Waveforms
WaveformsSine, square, triangle, DC, positive ramp, negative ramp, sin(x)/x, pulse, pulse train, cosine, haversine and havercosine
Sine, Cosine, Haversine, Havercosine
Range0.1 mHz to 40 MHz
Resolution0.1 mHz or 10 digits
AccuracyBetter than 10 ppm for 1 year
Temperature stabilityTypically < 1 ppm/°C
Output level5 mV to 20 V p-p from 50 Ω
Harmonic distortion< 0.15 % THD to 100 kHz; < –60 dBc to 20 kHz, < –50 dBc to 1 MHz, < –40 dBc to 10 MHz, < –30 dBc to 40 MHz
Non-harmonic spurii< –60 dBc to 1 MHz, < –60 dBc + 6 dB/octave 1 MHz to 40 MHz
Range1 mHz to 50 MHz
Resolution1 mHz (4 digits)
Accuracy± 1 digit of setting
Output level5 mV to 20 V p-p from 50 Ω
Rise and fall times< 8 ns
Range0.1 mHz to 500 kHz
Resolution0.1 mHz or 10 digits
AccuracyBetter than 10 ppm for 1 year
Output level5 mV to 20 V p-p from 50 Ω, linearity error: < 0.1 % to 30 kHz
Ramps and Sin(x)/x
Range0.1 mHz to 500 kHz
Resolution0.1 mHz or 10 digits
AccuracyBetter than 10 ppm for 1 year
Output level5 mV to 20 V p-p from 50 Ω
Linearity error< 0.1 % to 30 kHz
Pulse and Pulse Train
Output level5 mV to 20 V p-p from 50 Ω
Rise and fall times< 8 ns
PeriodRange: 40 ns to 100 s; Resolution: 4-digits; Accuracy: ± 1 digit of setting
DelayRange: –99.9 s to + 99.99 s; Resolution: 0.001 % of period or 10 ns
WidthRange: 10 ns to 99.99 s; Resolution: 0.001 % of period or 10 ns

Trains of up to 10 pulses may be specified, each having independently defined width, delay and level. The baseline voltage is separately defined and the sequence repetition rate is set by the pulse train period.

Operating Modes
ContinuousWaveform runs continuously
Triggered BurstEach active edge of the trigger signal will produce one burst of the waveform
Carrier waveformsAll standard and arbitrary
Max. carrier frequencyThe smaller of 2.5 MHz or the maximum for the selected waveform. 100 Msamples/s for ARB or Sequence.
Number of Cycles1 to 1048575
Trigger rep. rate0.005 Hz to 100 kHz internal, dc to 1 MHz external
Trigger sourceInternal from keyboard or trigger generator. External from TRIG IN or remote interface.
Start/stop phase± 360 ° settable with 0.1 ° resolution, subject to waveform frequency and type
GatedWaveform will run while the Gate signal is true and stop while false
Carrier waveformsAll standard and arbitrary
Max. carrier frequencyThe smaller of 2.5 MHz or the maximum for the selected waveform. 80 Msamples/s for ARB or Sequence.
Trigger rate0.005 Hz to 100 kHz internal, dc to 1 MHz external
Gate signal sourceInternal from keyboard or trigger generator. External from TRIG IN or remote interface.
Start/stop phase± 360 ° settable with 0.1 ° resolution, subject to waveform frequency and type
SweepCapability provided for both standard and arbitrary waveforms. Arbitrary waveforms are expanded or condensed to exactly 4096 points and DDS techniques are used to perform the sweep.
Carrier waveformsAll standard and arbitrary except pulse, pulse train and sequence. Sweep mode: Linear or logarithmic, continuous or triggered.
Sweep directionUp, down, up/down or down/up
Sweep range1 mHz to 40 MHz in one range. Phase continuous. Independent setting of start/stop frequency.
Sweep time1 ms to 999 s (3 digit resolution)
MarkerVariable during sweep.
Sweep trig. SourceThe sweep may be free run or triggered from the following sources: Manually from keyboard. Externally from TRIG IN input or remote interface.
Sweep holdSweep can be held and restarted by HOLD key
Tone SwitchingCapability provided for both standard and arbitrary waveforms. Arbitrary waveforms are expanded or condensed to exactly 4096 points and DDS techniques used to allow instantaneous frequency switching.
Carrier waveformsAll waveforms bar pulse, pulse train, sequence
Frequency listUp to 16 frequencies from 1 mHz to 40 MHz
Trigger rep. rate0.005 Hz to 100 kHz internal, dc to 1 MHz external. Usable repetition rate and waveform frequency depend on the tone switching mode.
SourceInternal from keyboard or trigger generator. External from TRIG IN or remote interface.
Tone switching modes
GatedThe tone is output while the trigger signal is true and stopped, at the end of the current waveform cycle, while the trigger signal is false. The next tone is output when the trigger signal is true again.
TriggeredThe tone is output when the trigger signal goes true and the next tone is output, at the end of the current waveform cycle, when the trigger signal goes true again.
FSKThe tone is output when the trigger signal goes true and the next tone is output, immediately, when the trigger signal goes true again.
External Amplitude Modulation
Carrier frequencyEntire range for selected waveform
Carrier waveformsAll standard and arbitrary waveforms
Modulation sourceModulation socket
Frequency rangeDC to 500 kHz
Signal rangeApprox. 1 V pk-pk for 100 % level change at maximum output
External Signal Summing
Carrier frequencyEntire range for selected waveform
Carrier waveformsAll standard and arbitrary waveforms
Sum sourceSum socket
Frequency rangeDC to 16 MHz
Signal rangeApproximately 2 Vpk-pk input for 20 Vpk-pk output.
Trigger Generator
SourceInternal source 0.005 Hz to 100 kHz squarewave adjustable in 10 us steps. 3 digit resolution. Available for external use from the SYNC OUT socket.
Main Outputs – One for each channel
Output impedance50 Ω
Amplitude5 mV to 20 V pk-pk open circuit (2.5 mV to 10 V pk-pk into 50 Ω. Amplitude can be specified open circuit (Hi Z) or into an assumed load of 50 Ωor 60 Ω, in Vpk-pk, Vrms or dBm.
Ampl. accuracyBetter than 2 % ± 1 mV at 1 kHz into 50 Ω.
Ampl. flatness± 0.2 dB to 1 MHz; ± 0.4 dB to 40 MHz
DC offset range± 10 V. DC offset plus signal peak limited to ± 10 V from 50 Ω.
Offset accuracyTypically within ± 3 % ± 10 mV, unattenuated
Resolution3 digits or 1 mV for both Amplitude and DC Offset
Sync Out – One for each channelMultifunction output user definable or automatically selected to be any of the following:
Waveform sync (All waveforms)A square wave with 50 % duty cycle at the main waveform frequency, or a pulse coincident with the first few points of an arbitrary waveform.
Position markers (Arbitrary only)Any point(s) on the waveform may have associated marker bit(s) set high or low
Burst doneProduces a pulse coincident with the last cycle of a burst
Sequence syncProduces a pulse coincident with the end of a waveform sequence
TriggerSelects the current trigger signal. Useful for synchronising burst or gated signals.
Sweep syncOutputs a pulse at the start of sweep to synchronise an oscilloscope or recorder. Can additionally output a sweep marker.
Phase lock outUsed to phase lock two generators. Produces a positive edge at the 0o phase point.
Output signal levelLogic level of < 0.8 V to > 3 V for all outputs except Sweep Sync. Sweep Sync is a 3-level waveform.
Trig In
Frequency rangeDC to 1 MHz
Signal rangeThreshold nominally TTL level; max. input ± 10 V
Min. rulse width50 ns for Trigger and Gate modes; 50 µs for Sweep mode
Input impedance10 kΩ
Modulation In
Frequency rangeDC to 500 kHz
Signal rangeVCA: Approximately 1 Vpk-pk for 100 % level change at maximum output
SCM: Approximately ± 1 Vpk for maximum output
Input impedanceTypically 1 kΩ
Sum In
Frequency rangeDC to 30 MHz (291) DC to 16 MHz (292/294)
Signal rangeApproximately 2 Vpk-pk input for 20 Vpk-pk output
Input impedanceTypically 1 kΩ
HoldHolds an arbitrary waveform at its current position. A TTL low level or switch closure causes the waveform to stop at the current position and wait until a TTL high level or switch opening which allows the waveform to continue. The front panel MAN/HOLD key or remote command may also be used to control the Hold function.
Input impedance10 kΩ
Ref Clock In/Out
Set to inputInput for an external 10 MHz reference clock. TTL/CMOS threshold level.
Set to outputBuffered version of the internal 10 MHz clock. Output levels nominally 1 V and 4 V from 50 Ω.
Set to phase lockUsed together with SYNC OUT on a master and the TRIG IN on a slave to synchronize (phase lock) two generators
ARB Clock In
Frequency RangeDC to 50 MHz
Max. input voltage+ 5 V, -1 V
Inter-Channel Operation
Inter-Channel ModulationThe waveform from any channel may be used to Amplitude Modulate (AM) or Suppressed Carrier Modulate (SCM) the next channel. Alternatively any number of channels may be Modulated (AM or SCM) with the signal at the MODULATION input socket.
Carrier frequencyEntire range for selected waveform
Carrier waveformsAll standard and arbitrary waveforms
Modulation typesAM: Double sideband with carrier

SCM: Double sideband suppressed carrier
Modulation sourceInternal from the previous channel. External from Modulation input socket. The external modulation signal may be applied to any number of channels simultaneously
Frequency rangeDC to > 100 kHz
Internal AM depth0 % to 105 %
Internal AM resolution1 %
Carrier Suppression (SCM)> 40 dB
External modulation signal rangeVCA: Approximately 1 V pk-pk for 100 % level change at maximum output

SCM: Approximately ± 1 Vpk for max. output
Inter-Channel Analogue SummingWaveform Summing sums the waveform from any channel into the next channel. Alternatively any number of channels may be summed with the signal at the SUM input socket.
Carrier frequencyEntire range for selected waveform
Carrier waveformsAll standard and arbitrary waveforms
Sum sourceInternal from the previous channel. External from SUM IN socket.
Frequency rangeDC to > 16 MHz
Ext. signal rangeApprox. 5 Vpk-pk input for 20 Vpk-pk output
Inter-Channel Phase LockingTwo or more channels may be phase locked together. Each locked channel may be assigned a phase angle relative to the other locked channels. Arbitrary waveforms and waveform sequences may be phase locked but certain constraints apply to waveform lengths and clock frequency ratios.

With one channel assigned as the Master and other channels as Slaves a frequency change on the master will be repeated on each slave thus allowing multiphase waveforms at the same frequency to be easily generated. DDS waveforms are those with 7 digits of frequency setting resolution, while Non-DDS waveforms have 4 digits.
Phase resolutionDDS waveforms: 0.1 degree
Non-DDS waveforms0.1 degree or 360 degrees/number of points whichever is the greater
Phase error< ± 10 ns all waveforms.
Inter-Channel TriggeringAny channel can be triggered by the previous or next channel. The previous/next connections can be used to ‘daisy chain’ a trigger signal from a ‘start’ channel, through a number of channels in the ‘chain’ to an ‘end’ channel.

Each channel receives the trigger out signal from the previous (or next) channel, and drives its selected trigger out to the next (or previous) channel. The ‘end’ channel trigger out can be set up to drive the ‘start’ channel, closing the loop.

In this way, complex and versatile interchannel trigger schemes may be set up. Each channel can have its trigger out and its output waveform set up independently. Trigger out may be selected from Waveform End, Position Markers, Sequence Sync or Burst Done.

Using the scheme above it is possible to create a sequence of up to 64 waveform segments, each channel producing up to 16 segments and all channels being summed to produce the complete waveform at the output of channel 4.

The signals from the REF IN/OUT socket and the SYNC OUT socket can be used to phase lock two instruments where more than 4 channels are required.
RS-232Variable Baud rate, 9600 Baud maximum
IEEE488Conforms with IEEE488.2
USBConforms with USB 1.1
General Specifications
Display20 character x 4 row alphanumeric LCD
Data entryKeyboard selection of mode, waveform etc.; value entry by numeric keys or by rotary control.
Memory cardRemovable memory card conforming to the Compact Flash memory card standard. Sizes from 32 MB to 1 GB can be used.
Stored settingsUp to 500 complete instrument set-ups may be stored and recalled from the memory card. Up to 500 arbitrary waveforms can also be stored independent of the instrument settings.
Size130 mm (3U) high; 335 mm long; 350 mm wide (292/294), 212 mm wide (291)
Weight292/294: 7.2 kg (16 lb); 291: 4.1 kg (9 lb)
Power110 to 120 V or 100 V nominal 50/60/400 Hz; 220 to 240 V nominal, 50/60 Hz. Voltage adjustable internally; operating range ± 10 % of nominal; 60 VA max. Installation Category II.
Operating range+5 °C to 40 °C, 20 to 80 % RH
Storage range–20 °C to +60 °C
EnvironmentalIndoor use at altitudes to 200 m, Pollution Degree 2
SafetyComplies with EN61010-1
EMCComplies with EN61326
Instrument driversLabview and LabWindows CVI drivers are either supplied with the instrument or are available via your local Fluke Office
Supplied ItemsIEC Mains Lead. Printed manual (partly multi-language), multi-language manual on CD, Waveform Manager Plus software, compact Flash memory card, compact Flash card reader/writer (USB connection to PC)
Options19-inch rack mounting kit

Mallit: 290 Series Waveform Generators

1 Channel 100 MS/s Arbitrary Waveform Generator and Waveform Manager Plus Software. Compact Flash Memory Card and USB Card Reader/Writer

2 Channel, 100 MS/s Arbitrary Waveform Generator and Waveforom Manager Plus Software. Compact Flash Memory Card and USB Card Reader/Writer

4 Channel, 100 MS/s Arbitrary Waveform Generator and Waveform Manager Plus Software. Compact Flash Memory Card and USB Card Reader/Writer