Update: MET/CONNECT version 1.2.0 (with MET/CAL version 10.2.2)

Update: MET/CONNECT version 1.2.0 (with MET/CAL version 10.2.2) (.zip)


MET/CAL 10.2.2 readme (.pdf)

MET/CONNECT 1.2.0 readme (.pdf)

MET/CONNECT 1.2.0 Installation Guide (.pdf)

Current MET/CONNECT Customers: What you need to know prior to updating

  • The MET/CONNECT version 1.2.0 and MET/CAL version 10.2.2 release is an update to previous MET/CONNECT and MET/CAL software. This update includes bug fixes and minor updates.
  • You must be running MET/CONNECT version 1.1.0 before upgrading to version 1.2.0.
  • This installer can initiate a new install as well as update an existing installation.
  • Do not manually uninstall the previous version. If you do this before attempting to install this version, you may lose other information and files.
  • If you have installed MET/CAL Runtime and/or MET/CAL Editor on any workstations, be sure to run the MET/CAL Client installer on all MET/CAL workstations to update them to the latest version.

New MET/CONNECT Customers or Current MET/TEAM or METBASE customers
This download is the 60-day trial version. Use the MET/CONNECT Server Installer to perform a new installation. This installer is included in the download link above and accessible from the splash screen.

This installation includes MET/CONNECT and MET/CAL, with 3 MET/CAL licenses. You can activate your permanent MET/CONNECT software within or after the 60-day period by logging in to the MET/CAL Runtime as the admin user.

MET/CAL for MET/CONNECT should not be installed on the same computer as MET/CAL for MET/TEAM.

Special Instructions for MET/CAL Editor

An internet connection is required in order to install the Microsoft Visual Studio 2015 Update 3 prerequisite. On workstations that do not have an internet connection, users may download the offline installer packages archive and extract the packages to the folder for this prerequisite. This archive includes a ReadMe file with instructions.
Download offline installer packages: https://tinyurl.com/y5bk9r3d
As of this release, the Microsoft Visual Studio 2015 Shell and Update 3 prerequisites are only installed if the user selects to install the Editor application, and no reboots are required. Previously, the Microsoft Visual Studio 2012 Shell and Update 3 prerequisites were optionally installed up front with a forced reboot after each one, and then the user was given the option to install the Editor application afterwards.

Special Instructions

  1. Click on "View" or "Link" to go to the download page.
  2. MD5 Check Sum: ae01701799c7def4687f6dbafe0d9af8

Note: This is MET/CONNECT version 1.2 and MET/CAL version 10.2.2. It does not include MET/TEAM software.