PG7601-AF v2.08f Embedded Software (.bin)
PG7601-AF™ | 2.08 2007.07.25 | PG7601-AF |
Instructions: | ||
-Ver 2.07x Users You can upgrade directly to this version with no special considerations. If you need to revert from v2.08 back to one of the v2.07 versions, you must first load v2.07, cycle power and accept the upgrade queries and then load the desired v2.07x firmware. If you need to revert from v2.08 back to a version earlier than v2.07, please contact Fluke Service. | ||
Updates Include: | ||
Ver 2.08 (2022 Nov 10) ADD: Allow the PG7601 model to use the Fluke 6270A Pressure Controller for auto-float operation. Note that this is specifically for the PG7601 used with the 6270A Controller. FIX: Issue with calculation of DUT head correction in differential mode. |